chinense Chocolate Moruga Scorpion Challenge!

Awesome Red. Best video to date other than ripping the kit. Me and a friend split a half of a dry brown moruga Friday night. And what a ride we took and at a party for every ones entertainment to.On lookers were cracking up cause we were trying to whisper at each other for the first three minutes cause it takes your speech away. Luckily it was a birthday party and there was I SCREAM!
To cool down.
Imo fresh is way more intense.
When the earth is just a scorched piece of ash. The chile beast will look over at the cockroaches and say
"what the fhuk is ur problem?" 
        I'm pretty sure the chile beast is not a human being. u ever look at his eyes?
I'm growing 3 plants of this one this season.  Hopefully I ended up with a stable strain though...from what I'm reading on here the TS Chocolates are all over the place as far as phenotypes.  Great review!
hogleg said:
Awesome Red. Best video to date other than ripping the kit. Me and a friend split a half of a dry brown moruga Friday night. And what a ride we took and at a party for every ones entertainment to.On lookers were cracking up cause we were trying to whisper at each other for the first three minutes cause it takes your speech away. Luckily it was a birthday party and there was I SCREAM!
To cool down.
Imo fresh is way more intense.
When the earth is just a scorched piece of ash. The chile beast will look over at the cockroaches and say
"what the fhuk is ur problem?" 
        I'm pretty sure the chile beast is not a human being. u ever look at his eyes?
LMAO. Thanks for watching bro! Yeah, Chile Beast is not human. He's probably a cyborg like the Terminator. 
Lucifer said:
Nooooooo, don't stop doing these challenges. U r awesome. Its sort of like watching Jack Ass. U cringe as u watch them do crazy shit, but always want to see what happens next.
Nah, I just said that for the moment. We all know I'll be back to torture myself again. Chile Beast is going to send me another superhot soon so... I'm not stopping! 
I don't know why I enjoy watching people puke so much!  Its frickin hilarious.  You kinda dove into the deep end right away.  Try working up man.  As soon as I have some pods ready I'll send you a nice variety of medium heat to superhot to work up to.  Thanks for that man!
Jamison said:
I don't know why I enjoy watching people puke so much!  Its frickin hilarious.  You kinda dove into the deep end right away.  Try working up man.  As soon as I have some pods ready I'll send you a nice variety of medium heat to superhot to work up to.  Thanks for that man!
Sounds good! I'd love to try some medium heat ones then dive into the superhots. Trying to build my tolerance. Thanks for watching man! 
TrueNorthReptiles said:
You're nuts, Jr.! All yall who eat whole superhot pods!
Yeah the guys who eat fresh whole brown superhots have to walk around with a wheel barrow just to carry their nuts.
Never had more than a 1/4 of one. And thats plenty nuff' for a life changing experience.
and yo Red, that Mitch Mitchel fro is bad ass. nice photochop.