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chinense Chocolate recipe for scorpions.

Stuff needed:
1x Sunrise scorpion/equivalent(stressed)
1/2 lb milk chocolate chips.
1-2 orange habs(small, optional)
Chop sunrise scorpion into VERY fine pieces
Add to melting chocolate.
Stir VERY well, about 3 mins or so.
Take out any visible pepper pieces. I forgot and it was not pleasant.
Put in fridge to let cool.
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As of today, tested it at my school. Everyone who tried it liked it and one person(fellow chilehead) said if I started selling these things and sharing the profit with him he'd let me use his basement to grow peppers in it. 
Ever think of trying to liquify the peppers (sans seeds) and leave them in?
Might have to keep it in a double boiler a bit longer to reduce down.
A bit of OJ (with pulp)?
In a cooking mode, made hot sauce yesterday, and mole' the day before.
Still have 1 90% chocolate bar waiting for a reason------------- :drooling:
Can't liquefy them because I might want to use the blender for something else later. When the plants start producing again, I'm gonna leave the pods in front of the wood stove to dry them and then crush the powder into unmade chocolates that my friend is working on.