chinense Chocolate Scotch Bonnet & Trinidad Brown Bonnet

I have a question conerning the chocolate Scotch bonnet & the Trinidad Brown Scotch Bonnet are they the same?
The chocolate scotch bonnets I got form wicked mike looked more like habaneros & the picture of Judys looks differant so I am leaning on differant
I know that there are differant chocolate habaneros so I guess it might be the same here?
I'm not quite sure if there IS a difference, but here is a pic of Judy's Trinidad Scotch Bonnet Brown.


And it is pretty hefty, too. Just shy of 21 grams.


I couldn't believe the amount of oil in this pod! Really big deposits!

Those are some huge pods like there color as well & that sure is a lot of oil !
I have seeds stored in the frige for next year .
I understand they have good flavor what are your thoughts?
Thank you Adam for the pics that pod looks like its packen heat!
Thank you very much, Jason! The flavor is fantastic! It has a deep Chinense flavor, but it wasn't as pungent as I thought it would be. Chocolate habs have a stronger flavor to me. The heat on the other hand was powerful. I don't have a high tolerance, but I can eat habs with no problem. This was more painful than hot. I was expecting a solid burn, but this was more like a strong Fatalii (Fataliis hurt to me...except the white). It attacked the top-back of the throat primarily. And it was a gut-bomb for me. I highly recommend growing these out.