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Choices for a Hot Sweet Peppa'

hey gang, I hope everybody's having a great spring/summer and all your peppers are going strong.
I'm just writing here asking for anybodys' recs or fave pics on a hot sweet pepper.
Don't get me wrong, I dig the superhots, your bhuts your habs and your savinas,etc.
and I love the way they look, what they contain,the whole idea of them: that a plant from mother nature can create such an intense food/chemical.
tasty and dangerous.......
but they're just too hot for me to use in a more practical daily way.
I'd like to grow a pepper that's hot, maybe a little sweet and tastes super great pickled.
I would love to hear everybody's suggestion for this one.
or any faves.
I'm in the midwest if that makes any difference.
thanks to all in advance and happy gardening.

Jalapenos are a classic choice.
Serranos, Poblanos......
If you want sweet, sweet banana varieties would be a good choice (cubanelle, sweet bananas etc.). Just mix it in with some hot ones and you get your perfect mix of hot and sweet.

kamo, you tried Golden Greek Pepperoncinis?

Pretty mild, but bitchin' for pickling, and a good short season grower, too.
