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Clarification of terms

Just wondering over here, when do you consider a seedling no longer a seedling? Just sifting through a bunch of older info on here and this came up. thanks
I'd say once it's onto it's second or third set of true leaves and you've potted it on and it's out of the prop.
But this is only my opinion!
to me, they are seedlings until plantout...
for me they are seedlings until i put them in the final pot.

Which normally is around 3 Months after they poped up.
seedling: (SEED' ling): an irresistable play and food object for the cat, which is grudgingly tolerated due to the "It's in their nature" theory

mature plant: (maTURE' PLANT): something the cat won't dare mess with or said animal goes to live in the woods, and knows it