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clear plastic cups?

I have some in clear plastic cups that are doing well...only thing is I've decided that I would rather spend the 25 cents each for the small square containers at my local nursery than deal with cups anymore...they are top heavy and you will end up knocking some over accidentally. The square containers I bought drain better and are easier to organize. I drilled at least 10 quarter inch holes in the cups and they still hold too much water. The pluses to clear are you can see the roots, and you can actually see how wet it is in the bottom of them.

I used to use the lil' plastic "highball" cups. I had several tell me the roots hated the light, but mine did very well last year despite this, and it was both fascinating and informative to see when the plants could use a pot up again.

Maybe split the diff and see if you get different results?

I'm back to using the black cubes, mainly because I get 'em for free from the local nursery.

Good luck either way.
We split last year using clear and red Solo 18 oz. Solo cups. Didn't notice any difference when all was said and done. It IS nice to see the roots grow, though. Think we'll re-use what we have again this year after they were rinsed in diluted bleach.