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Cloned a Hoya and Passion Vine in DWC

My wife has Passion Vines and Hoyas up the wazoo, and she asked me if I could root some cuttings for her. I was skeptical, considering how woody the Hoya gets, so I put them in my bubble bucket with straight h2o on a whim.

This is what happened.

Boy that is an ugly plant. Glad you got it rooting. I might have to give that a try. What did you use to hold the plant in place once you cut the bottom off of the net pot?
I'm rooting some Wondering Jews (the plant, not the people) for my wife right now. If they don't root in regular water, DWC might be a something to try next.
Jeff, see the link below.


Dan, I wouldn't say I'm a DWC god, but I'm getting better with it every day. Toke me a lot of trial and error to get where I am.

Wen I first started, it was in those buckets daily, checking ph, adjusting, adding of diluting nutrients. Man, what a headache! After my last disastrous grow, I almost gave up. I finally decided that "set it and forget it" was worth a try, and it has been great for me so far. So, I'm not really doing anything special. And I'm not using any of the special additives either, just a standard 3 part mix from GenHydro.

Jeff H said:
I'm rooting some Wondering Jews (the plant, not the people) for my wife right now. If they don't root in regular water, DWC might be a something to try next.
Is that the same thing as a Walking Iris?

If so, those are super easy to root. I usually just put them right into soil, and within a week they're rooted.