for-sale CLOSED: Rapid Rooter plugs for sale

I bought a bunch of Rapid Rooter starter plugs and they weren't what I was hoping for. I have four bags of 50 plugs for sale. I'm not looking to make any money on them so I'm only asking what I paid for them ($15 per bag + shipping). Please email me if interested. Will sell separately.

Just had a taker for all 4 bags. Thanks for looking!
What didn't you like about them? I just moved 35 of 50 from the propogator to solo cups today. They are much better than the jiffy pellets I used last year.
RedtailForester said:
Honestly, it is just because I'm used to growing in starter mix. I like having several seeds going in a single cell but that is just me.
Word.  I am the opposite.  I like one seed per cell so the rapid rooters work out well for me.  They also were easy to move over to solo cups since the RR is a cohesive unit.  Different strokes!  