• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974 - 2012 Grow Log

No activity 'yet.' Holding off until early February to start my seeds. I'm pondering what to grow this year. I'm thinking of backing off the super hots some this season in exchange for other stuff. I've gotten my hands on some real interesting local varieties from specific counties. :) Something is telling me maybe it's time to grow them out and see how they turn out. A change from the 'norm' may be fun and I actually prefer to eat peppers in the 7-8 of 10 range as opposed to 12 of 10. lol.

Also, I'm hoping my pepper maggot issue may be history based on some help Smokemaster provided me. :) We'll see. That could make pepper growing more interesting too!

There is one promise...won't be boring. lol. There are a few super hots I have that must be grown though. Just can't resist them.

Sounds good! I feel the same way. 90% of what i grew in 2011 was superhots. Now i'm branching to less hot and more flavor.

Hope Kashmiri Mirch is on your list ;)
I too am going to grow mostly Annuums and Baccatums this year.
Make some rubs and powders that anyone can eat.
Maybe a couple super hots just to add in separate packets along with the rubs so if some like it hot they can spice it up.
With Annuums my Harvest will be done when the mites show up in late July to Aug.
good luck with this years grow Chris....I am gonna try and back off the superhots too...will only grow about 200 this year...then another 100 or so annuums....
Good to see your planning ahead Chris.

I still have 2 gal bags, many in one freezer with hot stuff.....no time to make sauce. If I grew more on the 7 to 8 scale I'd have less overflow.....My wife prefers the Nu-Mex varieties, I like the Habs and Bonnets.......some of the India/Trinidad pods are just too darn hot. Don't get me wrong, there's a place for them either in a puree, sauce or powder. But like what you all have said I agree, I'm starting my medium and milds soon, for me and others around here who'll purchase in the spring/summer.

I got all excited when I seen this thread and now I'm even more stoked to follow it. Won't be boring he says. Never thought it would or could be. Best of luck this season Chris.
My other goal will be to 'step up' my photography more! I'm starting to take a real interest in this hobby. Want to see if I can produce better balanced pictures this season. :)

Chris, not to go too far off topic, but what kind of Camera are you shooting with? You definitely had great photos last season. I got a inexpensive tripod for Christmas and I find it helps tremendously to stabilize those shots where you are at max zoom and stretching for light. MUUUCHH cheaper than a MACRO lens.