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CO2 enrichment ?

Back in my early growing days growing other things I just to have a CO2 emitter system that greatly enhanced the crop I was growing. I wonder does anyone know if peppers would benefit from CO2 enrichment? I mean it is a plant just curious if anyone else has experimented with it or researched it in any way?
I know that it will increase the absorption of nutrients, but haven't tried it with peppers, I was curious about this too, I wouldn't spend the money on a CO2 converter/emitter, but maybe if it suppose to be really good I would look into it more
nice, I knew there was a way have a DIY thing (I'm taking micro and we went over fermentation for the millionth time, I just didn't connect the dots!) .. I made some homemade wine in college that apparently turned out pretty good by doing something similar to this, but with cranberry and grape juice lol

since I really don't want to make anymore wine because I like my cranberry juice more, I will just do this with a 3 gallon bucket and stick it in there.. should last a month.. I happen to have some yeast around too from when I was planning on making some pizza dough

that's a lot more CO2 than I would think would be produced

---I just did a quick google and found, this.. it seems it doesn't really matter about the ratio too much since the yeast will just multiply rapidly.. but they also suggest putting a tiny bit of epsom salts and nitrogen in there just to make them happier.. so I will put a few drops of the MG 10-10-10 inside plant fertilizer for kicks and see how they do.. also on the packets of yeast they say to make sure it's warm water, like luke warm... but I think I have a top to the bucket too..


thanks for the link
ok well I have been thinking and I know that CO2 sinks so I think that if it is outside of a bottle like that.. it would probably rise out (like out of the bucket I have) and then sink onto the floor most likely.. which right now doesn't help me, but once I transplant all of my plants that are in party cups now, I will be putting them all on the ground anyways so that would be fine..

but anyways, I found a 5 gallon bucket that I had used to hold eels while fishing last summer but anyways I didn't find a top for it, so I just used 2 cups of sugar and a packet of yeast put them in the bucket like I said with a little epsom salts and a few drops of ferts.. put a plastic garbage bag over the top, with the air tube going under it, and taped it around the top of the bucket tightly. and poked 2 small holes in the top corners (bottom corners really of the garbage bag) so the CO2 and excess air from the bubbler can get out.. and this way the yeast can't really contaminate anything else which I don't think they would be if there is anything else growing in there.. it won't spread either

also I was looking online because I know that fermentation is really inefficient and remember/found that yeast can still do cellular respiration when there is oxygen.. which means that it will produce more CO2 per molecule of glucose... so I was looking around for an air stone, but didn't have one so I just used a aquarium bubbler that I had for my fish tank which I have no fish in right now and plugged it into the outlet where my fan is hooked up to.. so that it will turn on when the fan turns on, (I have it set to come on like every other hour for 10-15min or something like that) so that they will make more CO2.. already the basement smells like yeast because I vent the grow tent with my exhaust fan because it was getting too humid in there.. so I vent it out 3 times a day set on a timer for about 20-30min to get all the excess moisture out once it builds up a lot.. it also keeps any puddles forming on the floors from all the moisture and really helps a ton with the edema problem I had

so anyways I will see how this works out over the next week or more.. see if it makes any noticeable difference.. if anything, more CO2 can't be a bad thing.. so it can only make things better I would think

here is a quick/random link of the difference in cellular respiration- http://www.purchon.com/chemistry/chemical.htm
Before growing other things I had a tank filled with CO2 and a valve that fed into a plastic hose that I fitted around the reflector of the MH it was on a timer and would come on 15 min then off 15 min. Being heavier it would drift down to the plants and it definately made a difference. I would think that it would do the same for super hots. Please let me know how it works .