food Cocktail Sauce for Dummies

What I mean to say is.....

....anyone that doesn't make their own cocktail sauce is a dummy. ;)

Here's a simple recipe that took me 5 minutes to prepare.

-Three parts tomato ketchup
-One part chili paste
-One part prepared horseradish
-1/2 part minced garlic
-1/8 tsp. habanero or other pepper powder
(I'd also add a squeeze of fresh lemon....but I'm out!)





Please excuse the Sea Pak popcorn shrimp. (even though they're AWESOME) I had to WORK today!!!!! :woohoo:





.....tastes so much better than the bottled crap.

Anyone else with a recipe?
That's looks great paul (love deep fried shrimpor calimari) but I would have to at least double the horseradish for Mrs. Logchief. She won't go after the :hot: stuff, but she'll take anybody on when it come to horseradish or wasabi.
Catsup- 4-parts
Prepared Horseradish- 1-part
Lemon juice- splash/squirt/or drop/ depending on the recipe size~~~

Recipe used by an Italian restaurant for their fried calamari appetizer......

true story
I've always guessed that the lemon kinda hides the vinegary flavor in the ketchup. Plus, what seafood doesn't taste better with a bit of lemon? :woohoo:

Logchief, Thanks! coulda done with a bit more horseradish.....but I suppose that'd depend on how fresh (strong) your horseradish was! How about we just say it needs to be in there, and the amount is subjective. :rofl:
Ketchup, Horseradish, worcestershire sauce, Lemon juice and hotsauce on hand - and a little side bit for myself with a pepper powder mixed to desired color, consistency and taste.
Most of us agree it needs to have ketchup or a tomato puree of some sort.....

....anyone ever made a cocktail type sauce without ketchup?