codename LadyBug Hybrid

Ok so I want to enter the world of pepper hybridization.
yeah they are plenty of hybrid and plenty of peppers out there but this should be a fun challenge.

Goal : Make a cross to produce massive heat and early pod production with good taste.

Desired Characteristics of the cross :
Early pod production under 80 days.
Big pod at least 2"x2".
Biggest amount of placental tissue (heat) would prefer low seed count.
Small plant 24" to 36" max.

Parent male : Chinense
Parent Female: Unknown most likely annuum

I'm thinking of Orange Hab or Naga for male parent. Not sure yet but it needs to be Chinense.
Female parent probably annuum because they produce the fastest pods.

Any ideas what I should try to cross?

I was thinking for female maybe a large cherry, plenty of placental tissue but they have too many seeds.
Or maybe a sweet pepper like the Topito Cheese Sweet Peppers.

I should be able to get F1 or F2 by next spring.
Sounds cool Habman. I don't know what to suggest but good luck.

I've been thinking of a few crosses too. Maybe a chocolate Naga or Scorpion. I managed to cross a scorpion with a bell pepper but later realised the bell was a F1 hybrid(big bertha) so the results will not be as expected but may still be interesting.
Scorpion and big bertha cross.....Sweet!
Let us know how the F1 pods turn out.
I think to get lots of heat you need to cross the F1 with another scorpion perhaps for a few generations.
Are you planning on eventually stabilizing it as a true breeding strain or merely interested in crossing two pure lines to produce an interesting f1 cross?
this sounds really cool what you're trying to do, & I know why also - because you want the biggest very hot prolific chiles in a short amount of time because of where you live = more bang for your buck.
I'd be interested in trying out some of the seeds down the road, since I'm also looking for those strains of chiles that'll give me more bang for the buck, & that grow well (hardy) for the novice chile growers.

as for 24" to 36" thats not a small plant! if you want a early season plant at most it'd have to be 30" max if not 24" max, but then again I dont know as much as others here if it'd be possible to get a 36" plant for a early season grower ?

what about choosing a strain thats resistent to diseases ? (as one of the parents)

I know the choices are unlimited (do your own selection using cross country search engine) even me being a novice chile grower I find this interesting as to what would the chile be like down the road.

congo trinidad with padron, or CT w/ buran or cyklon ?

or what about doing a triple cross using 3 strains ?
Txclosetgrower said:
Are you planning on eventually stabilizing it as a true breeding strain or merely interested in crossing two pure lines to produce an interesting f1 cross?

If I can make a cross that is interesting then yeah I'll stabilize it.
I think it takes 7-9 generations to really staibilize.

chilehunter said:
this sounds really cool what you're trying to do, & I know why also - because you want the biggest very hot prolific chiles in a short amount of time because of where you live = more bang for your buck.
I'd be interested in trying out some of the seeds down the road, since I'm also looking for those strains of chiles that'll give me more bang for the buck, & that grow well (hardy) for the novice chile growers.

as for 24" to 36" thats not a small plant! if you want a early season plant at most it'd have to be 30" max if not 24" max, but then again I dont know as much as others here if it'd be possible to get a 36" plant for a early season grower ?

what about choosing a strain thats resistent to diseases ? (as one of the parents)

I know the choices are unlimited (do your own selection using cross country search engine) even me being a novice chile grower I find this interesting as to what would the chile be like down the road.

congo trinidad with padron, or CT w/ buran or cyklon ?

or what about doing a triple cross using 3 strains ?

Exactly chilehunter.
I'll be more then happy to share the seeds.

Yup you are right I should look more for a 24" plant then a 36".

The resistent strains are Hybrids . The more parents, the harder it is to stabilize ... I think.

Those are nice peppers suggestions.
Right now I'm growing Orange Habs,Naga so these two will be the male.
The Female will be a market pepper that I got from Merida.

But I will order more seeds MOUHAHAHA (damn I'm addicted to online seed ordering....).
Still not decided on what seeds I will use to cross but these look very good :

Klari Baby Cheese
hungarian carrot
Giant Thai Hot 42 days! too good to be true? .