Colombian Peppers

My neighbor is from Colombia (the Cali area), and is going to be heading back there to see his family for a little bit.  He asked if I wanted anything while he was down there, and the first thing that popped to my mind was, of course, the incredible amount of peppers from that region.  
Being fairly new to the game, I can't really place certain peppers by region yet, so I can't think of anything specific that I'd like for him to look around for... and that's where I'm hoping to get some help from y'all.
Anything semi-rare or not as common here that would be ideal to look for there?  Otherwise I'm pretty much going to ask him to grab some random stuff from the markets and hopefully get some names.  :cheers:  I'll make sure to share the wealth if he's able to find anything good!
Any landrace variety would be cool. Even if it's stuff you can get here, the genetics straight from the source will probably be better.
Edmick said:
Any landrace variety would be cool. Even if it's stuff you can get here, the genetics straight from the source will probably be better.
Correct me of I'm wrong here, but landrace basically means a regional annuum, right?
EMN1-SS said:
Correct me of I'm wrong here, but landrace basically means a regional annuum, right?
Doesn't necessarily need to be an annuum I don't think but it basically means it's a stable variety with very little (if any) genetic variation.
Ask him to get Capsicum dimorphum. I will make it worth his efforts.  It's in the Cali area and I would be more than happy to give him coordinates.  :surprised:
Pr0digal_son said:
Ask him to get Capsicum dimorphum. I will make it worth his efforts.  It's in the Cali area and I would be more than happy to give him coordinates.  :surprised:
Can't find much info about it online, and he's not much of a pepper head... would definitely need some more specifics to guide him. Also, coordinates? I feel like there's a story here

So this is what he brought back. I'm thinking maybe Aji Bubba? He had no idea what they were called, so I'm definitely guessing based on location and general size and shape. Any ideas?
Also, they were frozen for a period of time. What's the best way to try to get some germination out of these things? Should I pull the seeds, dry them, then try to germ? Or just go straight from the pepper?
I'm guessing the red ones have the best likelihood of having viable seeds