Color Temperature vs Wavelength via Wien's Law

So I have been looking into how color temperature converts to wavelength with respect to PAR, and I stumbled over Wien's Law. I may be wrong in my assumptions so I wanted to see what other people think.
Basically you can derive the peak wavelength of a given color temperature via Wien's Law. There is a calculator on Wolfram Alpha and also I found this page that with a description and example of the law.
Based on WA's calculations, would it not be safe to assume that people using fluorescent lights need a combo of lights between 6000-6700K and 4500K lights?
4500K - 643.95nm
6000K - 483nm
6700K - 432.5
What do you think?
Cool topic. But I'm super worn out right now, having just finished a rather intense workout, and don't want to think. In fact, starting into shutdown mode and will head to bed momentarily. So I laughed at myself after reading "Based on WA's calculations, would it not be safe to assume that people using fluorescent lights need a combo of lights between 6000-6700K and 4500K lights?" - for a moment I thought you were referring to people needing that much light. Then I read the "cookie trail" indicating I'm reading a post about pepper plants needing that much light. Ha! It's definitely time for bed. Perhaps I'll come back to this over the weekend and give it more careful consideration. Regardless, an interesting observation there!
Your dual emitter plan makes sense if you are using an incandescent bulb, which is a 'black-body' emitter.  
The thing is, CFL bulbs emit fairly sharp spectral peaks that correspond to Mercury's emission lines and the fluorescent lines generated by the various phosphor compounds.  
Here are two CFL bulbs. Compared to the 2700K, the 5500 has somewhat reduced reds and a modestly bright 'hump' of blue-green, much of which will not be particularly useful to the plant.  
CFL 2700K

CFL 5500K

There is nothing remotely like a black-body peak.  To a human, the extra blue/green makes for a cooler color, but to a plant not much has changed apart from a bit more useful energy around the Chlor B ~480nm peak.  This can't hurt plant growth, but may not be a big deal either.
Geonerd, you are exactly right regarding peaks and CFL's not performing as blackbody curves.  To understand the usefulness of a irradiance spectra we also need consider the acceptance spectra for a given plant (not sure how generic these are).  Convolving these will give the total energy absorbed.