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ColoradoRonin totally called it :)


eXtreme Business
Thanks to my impatience, I thought the other day that the seedlings I put into the Rapid Rooters would never germinate, but ColoradoRonin called it, and as of yesterday evening, I had two sprouts, a Butch T and (a correction) a Carolina Reaper. I now also have a confirmed Morouga, and a second confirmed Butch T sprout. I'm stoked, since that means that my remaining seeds should be popping son. I'm hoping that I get at least two of each breed, since I'll have space for each one in the DWC, but if I get more, then I can sell off the seedlings at work without too much trouble.
Can I ask what specifically he called? Was it that the seeds eventually would germinate? Was it taking a long time? Either way, glad they are sprouting for you!

I'm sold on the Rapid Rooters. I don't know if you saw this in my 2013 Glog, but for my 2013 grow I did a little experiment. I sowed seeds of each variety I planned to grow both in starter mix and in Rapid Rooters. The results were interesting. Of the cells that did pop (90+%), about 60% sprouted first in the Rooters, about 20% first in starter mix, and 20% about equal. Some popped only in one or the other. This was good enough for me to decide to go exclusively with Rooters for subsequent sowings. If some varieties don't pop in the Rooters, then I will make cells with starter mix to try to germ those. Of note, I had put four to six seeds into each Rooter and into each soil cell. This way I had a higher success per cell and could choose the dominant seedling, culling the others.

A few observations I noted about the Rooters relative to soil. One is that the seedlings initially did not seem to grow as quickly in the Rooters relative to soil and many turned yellow very young. This was corrected by watering them once with 1/2 strength Fox Farms Grow Big (6-4-4 with micronuts) once I noticed the yellowing. After that, they greened up and began growing at the same rate as those in soil. Another is that the Rooters seemed more succeptible to mold, even though the cells were not soaking wet. It seemed to come from the seed coat, not the Rooter itself, and occurred despite pre-soaking the seeds in H2O2/chamommile tea dilution. Nothing I tried killed the mold once it was there. (H2O2, Copper soap, Daconil). It also did not affect every cell (in fact, only a minority of cells). On a subsequent round of sowings, I pre-treated the seeds with a 10% dilution of bleach for 10 minutes, followed by soaking in just plain tap water. None of these seeds got hit with mold, which had proven to be deadly to the seeds/sprouts on the previous germination attempt, and the bleach did not seem to harm the embryo, at all. Of note, there were two types of mold I had develop. There was a white mold, which seemed to be harmless to the seed/seedling, and a black mold which seemed to be deadly. I also had noted more helmet-heads in the Rapid Rooters relative to soil, but not as many as I expected. I think multiple seeds per cell helped with this.

It's also cool to be able to look directly at the seeds and see when a rootlet emerges, as opposed to wondering what is happening down in the soil.

Hope this helps!
Thanks guys!, and thanks for the info, Doc!
Congrats elcap! I have a pic I need to dig up of a plant with about 6 sets of true leaves,and a little baby seedling growing up next to it. Sowed on the same day,in the same cell,and the seeds were from the same pod. Tricky buggers sometimes.

DocNroc.... The seed cap issue is why I have stayed away from the rooters. I have never used them,but I could see it being an issue.

I'll take the risk. Thus far, the seedlings that have sprouted are free of the seed casings. I did notice a slight "frosting" for lack of a better way of describing it, on a couple of the cells. I'll keep an eye on it and if needed, use some hydrogen peroxide on it to see if that does the trick before going to anything with fungicide quite yet.

I'll also use a diluted solution of the hydroponic fertilizer soon to help the seedlings grow better, since the original Butch T seedlings I recovered from my last Peat Pellet attempt look a little spindly...
DocNroc.... The seed cap issue is why I have stayed away from the rooters. I have never used them,but I could see it being an issue.
I'll take the risk. Thus far, the seedlings that have sprouted are free of the seed casings. I did notice a slight "frosting" for lack of a better way of describing it, on a couple of the cells. I'll keep an eye on it and if needed, use some hydrogen peroxide on it to see if that does the trick before going to anything with fungicide quite yet.
I'll also use a diluted solution of the hydroponic fertilizer soon to help the seedlings grow better, since the original Butch T seedlings I recovered from my last Peat Pellet attempt look a little spindly...

While I noticed more helmet-heads with the Rooters, it was actually far fewer than I expected. I think the seed coat gets hung up on the Rooter's seed indent and allows the seedling to free itself. Give the H2O2 a try. It just might work! And I think you'll notice a great improvement in growth with a bit of dilute fert.
That's the plan, Doc :) I wanna give them as good of a start as possible before putting them into the DWC's
Congratulations on the sprouts!
Glad my words of encouragement helped.
After reading your difficulty with the dwc at first..
Just thought it be a good thing to give some positive feedback from my experience with the Rapid Rooters.

As far as the helmet head thing goes... I usually place the seed in the rr hole and push it just far enough as I can until I can see a sliver of the seed at the bottom.
In my experience that's just deep enough to hold the seed in place, without being too deep.

Good luck on the remainder of your sprouts!
Congratulations on the sprouts!
Glad my words of encouragement helped.
After reading your difficulty with the dwc at first..
Just thought it be a good thing to give some positive feedback from my experience with the Rapid Rooters.

As far as the helmet head thing goes... I usually place the seed in the rr hole and push it just far enough as I can until I can see a sliver of the seed at the bottom.
In my experience that's just deep enough to hold the seed in place, without being too deep.

Good luck on the remainder of your sprouts!

Thanks much, CR :)

That's also what I did with my seeds, in that I took a new Q-Tip and pushed them down until I could just see them. when I first put the seeds in, they looked way too close to the surface to me and I thought their roots wouldn't take at all if they were that close to the top.