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review Compmodder26's Review Thread

I've decided that I will do like others have and create a thread to house all the reviews I do in one central location. So here goes.

First off is the latest review I did. I ate another Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. If you've seen my previous reviews you know that I've already reviewed a Butch T before. However, I've had a suspicion that the pods I'm growing (and subsequently reviewed) are not true Butch Ts. So I decided to contact Butch himself. He was very generous and sent me a few pods off his own plants. So I know without a doubt that the pod I reviewed here is a true Butch T. If that wasn't enough to convince me, the burn confirmed it even further. Have a look for yourself:

More videos to come...
It is now 3.5 hours later and I just woke up with the same gut burn. I got it to subside before I went to bed, but I just now woke up in A LOT of pain! I sat up for about 20 minutes and the pain is going away. Hopefully my stomach has finally pushed the contents of the pepper down. Thankfully, I haven't had to throw up, yet anyway...
More previous reviews. Somebody bump me after this one so I can get to my latest review of a Yellow 7 Pot. Sucks having to wait a whole day to post more vids.
Figured I'd try to post the last links for my reviews to get caught up. We'll see if it works:

Hot Pooper's "Sweet Hell" (hobby batch, not for sale)
Yellow Trinidad 7 Pot (this is the latest review to date):
Got a busy week coming up for me. Judy (pepperlover) was EXTREMELY kind to me and she has sent me a wonderful assortment of pods to review. So be on the lookout for a bunch of new reviews.

Here's what she sent me:

Top Row (left to right) - 7 Pot Congo SR, White 7 Pot, Orange 7 Pot, Red 7 Pot Brainstrain, Yellow 7 Pot Brainstrains, Red 7 Pot Moruga Scorpion, Yellow 7 Pot Moruga Scorpion
Bottom Row (left to right) - 7 Pot Primo, 7 Pot Douglah, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T, Yellow Fatalii, Yellow Bhut Jolokia, White Bhut Jolokia

Man I hadn't seen you really get hit until that Butch T!!!! A whole pepper with dinner, then that monster as a nightcap?? No wonder your stomach was churning!!!
Damn man, way to go!!! Keep them coming. :onfire:
Looked brutal. :rofl:

How was the digestive experience?

Was a bit uncomfortable to say the least. Was burning good up until about 11:00 that night. It was completely gone when I went to bed at 12:00. But then I woke up at 3:30 with the pain again. Took another 30 minutes and a glass of milk before it went away for good. Didn't throw up though, which was a huge relief. That would have been just horrible to throw up from that pod. But oddly enough, had no real burning issues on the other end of my body the next day.
Day 1 is under my belt for the 13 day review schedule. I reviewed the Red Moruga Scorpion first. It was VERY HOT. I'd say it was comparable to the Butch T that Butch sent me. I can't say definitively whether or not one was hotter than the other. I will say though that the Butch T burned longer than the Moruga Scorpion. Up for review tonight is the Red 7 Pot Brainstrain.

Finished my review for Day 2 of my pepper reviews of the pods from pepperlover.com. This review was of the Red 7 Pot Brainstrain

This was day 4 of my 13 day pepper reviewing adventure of the pods from pepperlover.com. This pod was a real treat. Excellent flavor and VERY surprising heat. I loved this pod. It has to be one of my new favorites now. Definitely have to grow this out next year.

I reviewed the 7 Pot Primo and 7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic back to back last night (only 3.5 hours after eating a 7 Pot Jonah and a Naga Morich with my dinner). Let me tell you what, that was a stupid idea. I was up practically all night with terrible stomach pain. And the ring sting this morning was UNBEARABLE. Absolutely horrific.


And I'm completely open to the idea that my taste buds may have been out of whack after that Primo. So my taste assessment of the 7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic may have been compromised.