color Container Greenhouse Idea, Feedback please?

Well its gonna start gettgin colder here at night in Tampa, of course not as cold as other parts.. but I was thinking, since I rent ,I have no "Garden" however seeing this website tat a guy did most of his garden in huge rubber maid containers.. I got to thinking. I could make myself a rater inexpensive greenhouse by takign the rubbermaid container, then setting up a little structure out of thin metal or pvc or something, then covering it all in some sort of plastic, im sure I can find what I need at a lowes or HD, worst comes to worst im sure its not the best but saran wrap should do in a pinch.. if your having trouble visualiszing it I have made a MS paint of my plan.. What are your thoughts.. am I crazy, or a genious?


As you can see the plan would be to drill holes in the bottom, and then set it on top of the cover (other option is to cut the cover then build my greenroom structure on the cover so it can "lock" on to the container. My main unknowns are this.

How tall would I want ot make this
What materials should the structure be made of?

Im open to feedback and criticism now :)
A green "tub" like that would get colder because it is not in the ground and therefore would not benefit from the ground's warmth.

Is it even necessary there? You would be better off just growing in pots and bring them in if there is going to be frost.
The top would likely be used as a shelter from the hard winds and storms we get here in tampa, I would prolly futz around to figure out the best times to kep it with the top on or what not, I could always just slid the thing back into the garage for overnight (no matter how cold it gets its always hot in our garage. As far as frost worries, those dont happen often so much as the worry of high winds and torrential rain.. but I figure putting the top on overnight will help retain the heat better then the cold air. I dunno im very new to this and unversed.. hell, all my plants are in Miracle grow right now!
Then I would not build a top, I would just stake it really well and bring it in if it will get cold enough or if there is a hurricane.