Controlling Pepper Plant Size

First time pepper farmer here, thanks everyone for sharing all your great advice.
My question is - how can I keep the size of my pepper plants to "medium".  I am growing on my apartment balcony (3x7) and would like to maximize the variety of peppers vs yield from a single plant. 
- How about keeping them in smaller pots, say 1-3 gallons?
- Or sharing plants in wider containers?
- Pruning/Trimming?
Just wondering if there's a proven approach to controlling plant size without killing the yield.
Thanks everyone!
- Bub
bubspeppers said:
- How about keeping them in smaller pots, say 1-3 gallons?
- Or sharing plants in wider containers?
- Pruning/Trimming?
Doing any of those things will likely result in smaller plants, which means a smaller harvest. So it depends on what you mean by "medium" and "killing the yield".
Topping and pruning will work.
You could also choose varieties that are naturally more compact but still pretty productive. Aji Omnicolor and and Super Chili come to mind as examples of that. 
Pot size can have a profound effect. Here is a short video that really illustrates the point:
Never been trimmed