Convertable tables

So I need tables but I want them to also work as mini green houses or isolation boxes, maybe use them also for hardening off.  Wondering if anyone has ever built such a thing, even a multi use table.  Looking for ideas.  Thinking the tables will be 8' by 2' but might go 8' x 4' (one less cut).  Probably three feet tall.

Let's start by telling us what you need tables for. Kitchen? Garage? Outside? And then when you use them for other purposes, are they to still function as tables or will your table need be eliminated? 
I am sorry, sometimes the things in my head stay in there and I assume the people I am talking to already know.  Out door tables.  First thought was the table top could be removable, so they could serve as mini green houses for starts.  Then started thinking if there will be produce on them later, I am going to want them in shade.  Now thinking isolation boxes with plants in the ground below so the 3' tall wouldnt be a horrible problem trimming.  I think that would look good.  Even when produce was on them, the ambient light coming in from the side would be enough to keep them alive. 

Also kind of interested in anything that would make an outdoor market look good.  The idea is that it will have official hours but not always tended, maybe a bell if someone needs help, but operate on the honor system with a box that says put money here.  Maybe the kids will sell lemon aid.  I know it sounds silly.  But I want it to wind up being social, maybe have folk rent sections of the garden for some tiny fee and have social functions.