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Cool 3-part pepper documentary on youtube by New Mexico University (links included).

Hi all,

Not sure if this has been posted here before but I came across an informative three part series on peppers from New Mexico State University called "Heat Up Your Life!"

[background=rgb(235, 235, 235)]"The first-ever video documentary on chile peppers and fiery foods. This three-part series was written, co-produced, and hosted by The Pope of Peppers, Dave DeWitt. Shot on location in Mexico, Guatemala, The Bahamas, Jamaica, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Florida, this documentary covers all aspects of the love of chile peppers. "[/background]​

Here is a link to the first one (The forum would not let me post all three):

Part 1: Peppers and People:

Part 2 is called: From Seed to Salsa

Part 3 is called: Hot Plates
I would say its the late 80's as well, not because of the hair styles, the clothing, or the manner of speaking, or even the darn graphics.. but the mention at about 34:59 of the soviet union. Still its wildly interesting.
I would say its the late 80's as well, not because of the hair styles, the clothing, or the manner of speaking, or even the darn graphics.. but the mention at about 34:59 of the soviet union. Still its wildly interesting.

hehe :) that part escaped me!
yeah man it was a nice watch for sure!
hehe :) that part escaped me!
yeah man it was a nice watch for sure!

Sometimes I pay attention to what's going on! Just not all the time, In fact my significant other was just the other day saying something about I don't pay attention or whatever about that, I could not tell you because I was not listening! ;)
I'm watching the series now, thanks for the link!

Part 2 has a 1999 date on a catalog the host is looking through. I'm not sure how much time elapsed between the parts, but there's one solid date.