
Not exactly a copyright but PVP, or plant variety protection (like the red savina). Legally you have to be a licenced grower to sell these plants/seeds but I don't beleive anyone has ever been charged.
They were going to apply for PVP for the Dorset but they never did. They are also talking about applying for PVP for Bhut Jolokia in Assam.
Here's some PVP varieties:Fransisca hab, Medusa, Ole, Black pearl, white &gold bullet.
Apparently Reimers got rid of all their PVP varieties, maybe it cost too much $$
Not exactly a copyright but PVP, or plant variety protection (like the red savina). Legally you have to be a licenced grower to sell these plants/seeds but I don't beleive anyone has ever been charged.

It seems I was wrong, sort of.

A trademark is the individual "brand name" of a particular type of seed soldby a particular company, and acts as an indicator for the source of the seed. The fact is, any number of companies can each sell the same variety of seed under their owntrademarks, provided they comply with all other applicable laws. For example, AB Company may,if it wishes, sell the public domain, non-certified broccoli variety known as "Wok" under itswidely-recognized (and federally registered) GENIUS® trademark...
I think what you are referring to is a patent of a particular variety of pepper (such as hybrids of certain varieties) either Rutgers University or Cornell University (two of the major agricultural universities in the country),...I am sure they can help with any questions you may have.

P.S.--I am just beginning to hybridize roses, so the American Rose Society can also be a help with regards to patenting a new variety of plant :)