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Corralling my horsey

Finally dug up my horse radish and put it somewhere it will stay.
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WRONG,Horse Radish IS an excape artist.
On dirt you are fooling yourself.
IT finds drain holes REAL fast!
My Horse radish grew out the bottom of a 20 gal. container.
IT REFUSES to stay in any 1 place.
When on Asphalt,It grew roots out to find a crack to grow through under the Asphalt.
I tried several things to contain it in about 20yrs.
Nothing works!
I have a Bohemian variety I've had for about 20yrs.
It's only flaw is the only way you can kill it(almost).
OVERWATERING the next place it's roots pop up new plants in.
THEN all it takes is a VERY small part of a root to survive.
I love my Horseradish,especially fresh ground.
Smoked brisket/Pastromi and other beef rock with it added to mustard etc.
For best taste,don't water for weeks before harvest.
IF you want roots from mine,Ask.
A variety I haven't found since Hybrids are the norm for sale.
This one has a specific taste that I THINK is different than most.
Also roots don't grow as thick as Hybrids in general.
BUT they are way longer.
A trade off I guess.
Horse radish rocks.
I grow only peppers,BUT the Horse radish is my only exception.
I like it for my smoked stuff-as a condiment and in mops and finishing sauces or sandwiches.
Well, I guess I wasn't really trying to keep it from spreading as much as I was making its collection in November much easier.
I love horse radish now, when I was a kid I hated it. Especially when my Dad would fresh grate it in the house in the winter.
How does your Bohemian variety vary from the other varieties as far as taste and bite?
Yes, it does ROCK
I was thinking about doing horseraddish and ginger this year. good to know about how invasive it is. I knew it liked to spread but didn't know how persistent it is. 
I absolutely love fresh horseradish! I use to make it every chance I got until my peppers and salsas took over. Every year I say I'm going to grow it, but never seem to get around to it. I have several old galvanized horse troughs already filled up with last years soil, so that looks like a really good idea. How deep do you guys plant it. My Win-Co has fresh roots from time to time, I'll have to start checking again. 
NICE looking horseys, CAPCOM!
FWIW- I managed to kill the horseradish patch that was on our property when we bought it by NOT watering it.  But we live in eastern Washington, the DRY side of the state.  Aside from pine trees, balsamroot, sage and barnaby, if something doesn't get watered, it doesn't have much of a chance around here.
Right after we bought the place, I posted a notice at the post office for free horseradish, comfry and other stuff.  We met some good friend from the PO notice.   
salsalady said:
NICE looking horseys, CAPCOM!
FWIW- I managed to kill the horseradish patch that was on our property when we bought it by NOT watering it.  But we live in eastern Washington, the DRY side of the state.  Aside from pine trees, balsamroot, sage and barnaby, if something doesn't get watered, it doesn't have much of a chance around here.
Right after we bought the place, I posted a notice at the post office for free horseradish, comfry and other stuff.  We met some good friend from the PO notice.   
That is a win win deal. Always great to meet new people. Come Nov when I start digging this stuff up, I could send you some starter roots. If you are interested.
D3monic said:
I was thinking about doing horseraddish and ginger this year. good to know about how invasive it is. I knew it liked to spread but didn't know how persistent it is. 
Try growing Comfrey sometime and rototilling it to get rid of it. :rofl:
^  :lol:  That's like chopping up starfish to get rid of them, right?  Every piece grows another.......
capcom, I'd take you up on that offer, thank you  If I put it in a different spot, it can get water from the field irrigation, and I don't have to worry about it spreading.  I'll trade you some goodies.  ;) 
salsalady said:
^  :lol:  That's like chopping up starfish to get rid of them, right?  Every piece grows another.......
capcom, I'd take you up on that offer, thank you  If I put it in a different spot, it can get water from the field irrigation, and I don't have to worry about it spreading.  I'll trade you some goodies.  ;)
PM me your address. As soon as I get the rest of my pepper plants in order, I'll send you some starters. You can cut them into smaller pieces and seed even a larger area.
salsalady said:
^   :lol:  That's like chopping up starfish to get rid of them, right?  Every piece grows another.......
capcom, I'd take you up on that offer, thank you  If I put it in a different spot, it can get water from the field irrigation, and I don't have to worry about it spreading.  I'll trade you some goodies.  ;)
Yes ma'am! :rofl:
This is the original plot where my container grown horse radish came from. See how it repopulates an area.