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Countdown to Freedom!


It's been a long, cold winter here in Chicago, but relief looms!

Finally, tomorrow morning there will be a stable break in the weather and the over-wintered plants are ready to go outside.

This is a great relief to me, since I have struggled with the most dreaded of indoor pests (spider mites), and my plants will certainly appreciate the fresh air, real light, ambient water, and natural insects that being outdoors offers.

Oh glorious day.. once per year.. when we finally get to set our plants outside. Only to be eclipsed by the day they get set in the ground.

I't s about damn time! :dance:
I hope you have a good season , I too strugled to keep my over wintering plants alive, I lost three out of seven plants to to pest and lack of better lighting which went to my seedlings.
I did see that two plants that I had started in late fal did so much better than the rest that I had overwintered they stayed small till the longer day hours then they began to grow and are really nice size plants. I will do this again next fall for my 2014 pepper plants this will save me money and room till I start the rest of my garden crops.
We are getting better weather day by day and I will be moving over 275 peppers and other garden plants outside thank goodness, now my light bill will go back to normal which will save me $60 a month now. :P