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Couple Questions About Different Pepper Species

Hi, this is my first year growing anything other then Chinense peppers and have a couple questions about other species.
Im growing 3 Ring of Fire (Annuum) & 3 Aji Lemon Drop (Baccatum) and they are growing leggier then my Chinense peppers. Is this normal?
Also, is it true that these pepper species grow faster the Chinense pepper plants?

Thanks in advance.
Ronin said:
1.) Im growing 3 Ring of Fire (Annuum) & 3 Aji Lemon Drop (Baccatum) and they are growing leggier then my Chinense peppers. Is this normal?
2.) Also, is it true that these pepper species grow faster the Chinense pepper plants?
1.) What stage are we asking about? I assume seedlings? 
2.) Not sure but I think you mean C. Chinense take longer to mature than C. Annuum  or C. Baccatum? 
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
1.) What stage are we asking about? I assume seedlings? 
2.) Not sure but I think you mean C. Chinense take longer to mature than C. Annuum  or C. Baccatum? 
Sorry, yes I meant seedlings and yes to the second as well.
[SIZE=12pt]When I was experiencing a similar issue, I moved them to a south side window sill.  Which provided quite a bit more sunlight during the course of the day.  That seemed to help.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]What type of light are they receiving-?  Where is their location with respect to the light-?[/SIZE]
Hey Ronin, Yes, it's common for many annuum and baccatum varieties to grow taller before/between leaf nodes and appear "leggier" than the Chinense.  Also to grow faster, especially the annuums.  That's different than "leggy," which might appear similar, but obviously isn't good.  I suggest sharing a picture of the plants to help people give you feedback if you aren't sure. Also, Thomas' questions are good ones.
Thomas7608 said:
[SIZE=12pt]What type of light are they receiving-?  Where is their location with respect to the light-?[/SIZE]
Their under a 70w Sansi Grow light and their in better positions then a couple of other peppers.
CaneDog said:
Hey Ronin, Yes, it's common for many annuum and baccatum varieties to grow taller before/between leaf nodes and appear "leggier" than the Chinense.  Also to grow faster, especially the annuums.  That's different than "leggy," which might appear similar, but obviously isn't good.  I suggest sharing a picture of the plants to help people give you feedback if you aren't sure. Also, Thomas' questions are good ones.
Here is a picture of my Aji Lemon Drops, Ring of Fires, and then a picture of a Scotch Brain & a Paper Lantern .
Also the toothpicks are to keep them from swaying too much from a fan.
Photo 2020-02-09, 12 27 04 PM.jpg

Photo 2020-02-09, 12 30 04 PM.jpg

Photo 2020-02-09, 12 37 01 PM.jpg
Ronin said:
Their under a 70w Sansi Grow light and their in better positions then a couple of other peppers.

Here is a picture of my Aji Lemon Drops, Ring of Fires, and then a picture of a Scotch Brain & a Paper Lantern .
Also the toothpicks are to keep them from swaying too much from a fan.
Photo 2020-02-09, 12 27 04 PM.jpg
Photo 2020-02-09, 12 30 04 PM.jpg
Photo 2020-02-09, 12 37 01 PM.jpg

What you are seeing is normal growth habits for all three of those. As you add more species to your collection,you will see that the majority will grow leggier than C.chinense.
[SIZE=12pt]Glad to see you posted pictures.  This always helps a great deal, when one can actually see your concerns.  By-the-Way ... they look great just as CaneDog and Pr0digital previously stated.  Pictures always help!  [/SIZE]