chinense CPR as a starting point towards dark Moruga or Brains golf ball style pods.

Last year I grew out a ton of plants. I always grow superhots and just love everything about them. I especially love the dark colored flavors only found in pure Mahogany colored pods with no traces of red mixed in. I feel the burn of these are better as well. The problem is finding enough plants with that level of color concentration. I was thinking of possibly looking through a large number of CPR seeds directly from Butch in order to find a more Moruga shaped pod as those always hit harder in my experience. (My favorite Bhutlah pheno was a small crinkly round pod that out burned the other Bhutlahs.) Anyone find any golf ball shaped dark colored phenos in their CPR grows?
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The ones I grew this year were small and spikey, definitely not moruga shaped.  Very dark brown though.  I am going with some strains from whitehotpeppers to get that fat, round chocolate pod of my dreams.
I got a bunch of stuff from whitehotpeppers as well. Including their CPR pheno which looked nice. Excited about their superhot Congo as well. Guess we'll see which ends up being the best by the end. Seems like we are both searching for similar peppers.
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Nice lineup there! Had a red Moruga Brains last year that was the best Red superhot I had going. Super crinkly with a solid core. Butch has really been playing with some bangers in his breeding projects lately. While everyone seems to be getting distracted with other directions, he's blasting full speed ahead towards superhot perfection. Anyways I'd like to hear how your crop comes out. Who selected the mustard Brains and the Red CPR?