flavor crazy phenos/good taste

brazilian starfish
Big question....Do you like the taste of chinense peppers? the floral stuff very common in most chinense varieties...this taste is one many like or dislike utterly
otherwise Brazillian Starfish are suppose to be good and have a funky shape.
you really can't go wrong with baccatum types for flavor
Second the trepadeira werner. Excellent pepper. Vigorous, mild, delicious berry like flavor, lots of round/conic type fruits.
Im still searching also but with limited room for "experiments" i went with Brazilian Starfish this year and a mildish chinense called Aji Arnaucho. I know i like at least 2 baccatums so the starfish was my safe bet. I thought the Arnaucho just kinda looked cool and wanted to try another mildish chinense.
So if you like baccatums such as Lemon Drops or Aji Cito, i would checkout the Brazilian Starfish and Bishops Crown.
My white lightnings didn't sprout this year, and I didn't notice until it was too late to start more. 
I just ate a sugar rush cream and it was really good. Sugar rush peach is a crazier looking pepper, but I don't have a ripe one yet. The word on the street is that they are good. 
I also have bishops crown/hat. Its pretty gnarly.
I hear people on here talking about baccatum having a soapy flavor. I have only ate the sugar rush cream so far and I didn't think it was soapy.
This is the sugar rush cream
+1 for Goronong.
It's a great general purpose Chinense, with mild'ish flavor and low end hab heat. My Goronong plant was fairly prolific and early to set fruit as well.