• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Crinkly pepper leaves

I have a set of peppers I am growing and as I am new to this and learning through my many mistakes, I am thinking the damage you see is due to overfertilizing with Oscomote.  I originially was overwatering and started getting white mold then fungus gnats, but fought through that problem by putting 1 part to 9 water of hydrogen peroxide (straight HP killed one of my small young plants so I learned from that lesson), and strong brewed camomile tea and I spray every few days with especially the camomile tea and put up a couple sticky fly traps in the grow container and gnats are gone, white mold is minimal and plants are getting swole now.  I am growing inside my house in a tupperware container with a special light for people with circadium rythm issues (10,000 LUX at 10 inches) and a fan enclosed by a box that blows through the container fully line with tinfoil with a big entrance hole by where the fan blows in, and a smaller hole on the other side where the wind comes out (both covered with tinfoil flaps.  I usually keep the light on for 12 hours a day and then the other 12 hours off with the lid open and fan off (worried about starting a fire while I am gone at work so I turn off fan and light for 12 hours a day) except weekends where I let it go longer, sometimes even 24 hours straight.  
(today I removed even more Oscamote pellets after this pic was taken and bottom left plant leaf rip was accidently caused by me)
(my setup)
However, I think I over fertilized them with Oscomote as the lady at the nursery didnt know what she was talking about and pretty much told me to use a whole teaspoon per 9oz cup (cups I initially was growing them in!).  Luckily a friend of mine saw what I did and said it was way too much so I removed 2/3s of it per cup but looking at it now, I think it was still way too much!  
(what lady at nursery told me to do)
(after friends advice)
Some of my plants are getting huge and doing fine but other are getting crinkly and mishapen.  I have 3 different plants I am primarily concerned about as the others are doing pretty well.  I want to make sure there is no virus or anything and that it is purely from overfertilizing.  By the way, all my cups are in standard size Solo cups now.  For some reason, I had one Moruga Scorpion plant that ever since seedling, has been the stud of the pack and is the only one that has roots coming out the hole in the bottom of the Solo cup, none of the others have roots coming out the bottom hole (first cup inside 2nd cup) yet.  I mixed in some diluted fish emulsion 5-1-1 into the soil before all transplants and put some on top the plant (Oscomote on top of soil too).  I recently found a hydroponic mix which I made last night and put a little in the bottom of each of ALL the pepper plant solo cups: 1 gallon deer park water, 3 grams 4-18-38 fert, 3 grams calcium nitrate, and 2 grams epsom salt.  I figured Id use this mixture one every 5-7 days from now on (generally how often I now water plants)
Initially, due to overwatering, the plants were stunted and some got yellow leaves.  Once I stopped over watering and I gave some ferts, they started growing again.  Some still have baby yellow leaves (first true set) and some I actually cut off, including 1 plants yellow placental leaves.  
The 1st pepper plant is a Butch T and it has started to grow crinkly stiff leaves.  Is it Over fertilization?  Is it safe to keep around other plants?
(see the brown on the leaves?)
The 2nd plant is a Chocolate Bhutlah that I had started in a seed tray and when it sprouted it still had its seed attached to its head and I transplanted it into a solo cup with the seed still on its head thinking it would fall right off.  It never fell off and I eventually pulled it off with tweezers and the intial two birth leaves were fuqed.  I thought it was a goner and tore it out the cup ripping pretty much all of its little roots off but decided to give it one last shot and transplanted it in another Solo cup to which it has grown a few sets of shitty leaves.  Is it a goner?  should i move from other plants?  Too much overfert?  Too soon to have transplanted?
The 3rd plant is a Chocolate Douglah seedling, I got over excited when it sprouted and immediately transplanted it into a new solo cup (with Oscomote) immediatly the night I noticed it sprouted.  It has what looks like dead cells in its stem that make it look like the death went halfway or more through the bottom of the stem and I thought it was a goner but it just now beginning to sprout its first set of leaves right on time.  Is it a goner?  Too soon of a transplant?  and too soon for Oscamote?
(I put more dirt around that sore spot to cover it)
By the way, I did last night just thorougly soak the soil so that is why it looks so moist.
Well any and all help would be great in diagnosing what the plants problems are, whether theyre goners, contagious, or might pull through.  
That's a lot of links, you may get better responses if you use the codes instead of direct links. Most people hate clicking links. 
sample of what the code looks like
I'd just be guessing if I told you so I will leave it to the experts but it does look like they have been sitting wet based on one the pics that looked like mold was growing on top the soil. The osmocote could be the culprite or too much Phos
way to wet , give fish emulsion  ,   keep that fan on a timer about every 2 hours on . your  butch T looks to need some calcium ,  cal- mag      :onfire:
by the way ,    :welcome: to THP !   
I brought a bunch of peppers indoors about 2 months ago and had a very similar problem.  I'm a complete noob at growing anything but I self-diagnosed my crinkly leaf problem to over fertilizing.  
I had some left over fert from deer food plot and used it.  I think I was using something that was 10-4-4 or something like that---whatever it was had much higher nitrogen content.  I confirmed it for myself when I repotted one of the adults and the soil stank of ammonia/nitrogen.  My solution:  I'm not fertilizing any of my plants.  I figure there are enough nutes in potting soil to keep a sprout going and there are enough nutes in my gallon pots for my over wintering adults---I figure I'm just trying to get them to survive the winter--not produce and blow up.
I also killed a bunch of sprouts by over watering.  They were doing great until I transplanted and kept watering.  The ones I killed looked like they were as wet as yours.  My solution:  self watering solo cups and let them drink from the bottom.  Take the solo cup that your plant is in and cut a hole in the bottom.  Take a second solo cup and put about 3/4 inch of water in it...then drop the solo cup with the hole in it into the one with the water.   Its very dry where I keep them so about once every 3 or 4 days I'll give them a spray to moisten the soil from the top.  That's about it and they seem to be doing a little better.
I'm also recovering from a gnarly aphid infestation and I've heard that aphids cause the underside of leaves to desiccate and curl but I'm more convinced that my curling and crunchy leaves are due to over fertilizing.
Disclaimer:  I am a big dumb animal and complete noob at growing anything so I could be WAAAAY off base.  I'm sure I'm still doing things wrong but from what I can tell in your pictures, I may have been struggling with the same things.
moruga welder said:
way to wet , give fish emulsion  ,   keep that fan on a timer about every 2 hours on . your  butch T looks to need some calcium ,  cal- mag      :onfire:
by the way ,    :welcome: to THP !   
will the hydroponic mix i made (see above) be sufficient cal-mag?
you should get you some cal-mag off e-bay , i water with it separately . plants find it harder to absorb with rest of Nutes .  you definitely need to watch the watering and really need to keep a good air flow even through the night time  . 
everything Im seeing is a result of over watering.  You had/have dampening off of your sprouts, where the stem rots - too much water, little plants only need a little water thats why you had fungus.  Crinkley leaves Too much water!  your grow set up seems overly complex as well.  New sprouts need air more than strong light, take them out of the tupperware, youre probably trapping too much humidity in there as well.  My advice is to stop over complicating the process.  
1. let the plants out, live with them share the space youll both benefit
2. only water when the soil is dry, dont let plants wilt but its usually a while between dry surface soil and drooping leaves.
3  little plants dont need food, Fertilizer is ment to replace lost nutrients not act as steroids.
Plants grow because they want to, all you have to do is let them. :dance: 
Topsmoke said:
everything Im seeing is a result of over watering.  You had/have dampening off of your sprouts, where the stem rots - too much water, little plants only need a little water thats why you had fungus.  Crinkley leaves Too much water!  your grow set up seems overly complex as well.  New sprouts need air more than strong light, take them out of the tupperware, youre probably trapping too much humidity in there as well.  My advice is to stop over complicating the process.  
1. let the plants out, live with them share the space youll both benefit
2. only water when the soil is dry, dont let plants wilt but its usually a while between dry surface soil and drooping leaves.
3  little plants dont need food, Fertilizer is ment to replace lost nutrients not act as steroids.
Plants grow because they want to, all you have to do is let them. :dance:
You're saying they would continue to grow bigger if I just put them in the window sill?  They are doing so well in the rubbermaid (no humidity) that it would be crazy to take them out with all the progress they've been making.  But it does lead to my next problem, what to do with them when they get too big, warm weather wont be here till many months from now and I want peppers..... and can you defeat partial damping off?
Northpole69 said:
and can you defeat partial damping off?
too much humidity is your prob. the soil is too wet and the stem rots.  Little plants need very little of anything, and what im is saying take them out of the tub but leave the light.  they need free air exchange more than they need humdity and it is my experience that no matter how many holes you put in the bottom plastic cups dont drain well! its like $3 for seed trays and little pots are cheap too, just get some. 
Topsmoke said:
too much humidity is your prob. the soil is too wet and the stem rots.  Little plants need very little of anything, and what im is saying take them out of the tub but leave the light.  they need free air exchange more than they need humdity and it is my experience that no matter how many holes you put in the bottom plastic cups dont drain well! its like $3 for seed trays and little pots are cheap too, just get some. 
will the light still work if it is not contained inside a rubbermaid?  If I just have the light out in the open?
Northpole69 said:
will the light still work if it is not contained inside a rubbermaid?  If I just have the light out in the open?
of course just try to keep it within a few inches of the plants.  you have a lot of plants there and i have to imagine theyre not going outside anytime soon, so whats your end game, whats your plan to accomodate all those plants when theyre 3ft tall?
Topsmoke said:
of course just try to keep it within a few inches of the plants.  you have a lot of plants there and i have to imagine theyre not going outside anytime soon, so whats your end game, whats your plan to accomodate all those plants when theyre 3ft tall?
To be honest, I was thinking I would get another rubbermaid, cut the bottom off of it and combine it with the other Rubbermaid and have a double decker Rubbermaid.
What's a ton of money?

Get them out of the box. It reminds me of those kids trying to grow weed in a PC.

Foil is not good, it will produce hot spots and eventually you will burn your leaves.

If your going to be growing indoors, get yourself a HPS OR T5 light. Get some adjustable harness cables and anchor into studs on your ceiling. Then adjust the cables to a correct height to your canopy. I grew 100 plants through the winter until plant out in march. I used a 250hps for all those plants. If a hundred bucks isn't too much money for you. If you got a lil more to spend upgrade your hood, that's if you ever go HPS.

I hope you overcome your issues fast.
Lovepeppers said:
What's a ton of money?

Get them out of the box. It reminds me of those kids trying to grow weed in a PC.

Foil is not good, it will produce hot spots and eventually you will burn your leaves.

If your going to be growing indoors, get yourself a HPS OR T5 light. Get some adjustable harness cables and anchor into studs on your ceiling. Then adjust the cables to a correct height to your canopy. I grew 100 plants through the winter until plant out in march. I used a 250hps for all those plants. If a hundred bucks isn't too much money for you. If you got a lil more to spend upgrade your hood, that's if you ever go HPS.

I hope you overcome your issues fast.
So if I buy something like this: http://www.wayfair.com/Hydrofarm-T5-Tube-Designer-Grow-Light-System-4-Bulbs-FLP-HYF1236.html
I can keep all my plants out and about my apartment?  How close do they have to be to the light?  I cannot bolt anything to the ceiling in this apartment but I did see a you tube video where a guy made a light holder with PVC pipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAYpn2Md9eA
Would this be sufficient?  How close to the lights would the plants need to be?  T5 lights