food crisp fried rice vermicelli

ok this is my 1st test on scanning pictures, it might need to be deleted & resized so give me time & if it doesnt work out then I guess I will delete this whole thread so dont post yet. once I have the picture the correct size thats legible I'll delete this writing.


edited it, picture gone now.
ok I guess lets have a 2nd opinion which size should I use ? I could go bigger than the bottom picture but I just dont know, so whats your thought ? 2nd picture good enough & legible for you all. or should I go 1 size bigger ?
I can read the second one fine...I say go with the second the way, that looks good...
the 2nd one is readable on my 17inch screen. I know pretty colour pictures are nice, but sometimes the contrast of a true black and white can help with legibility. Just a thought...
ok I tried doing a larger size than the 2nd picture (the one shown now) but it seems like it wont resize to a bigger pciture for this thread ? so I guess the 2nd size will have to do & if theres any questions about what something says I guess just ask & I'll tell you.