food Crockpot chili oil?

Maybe,.................. i wonder if that would work on low for a few hours. Maybe a nice Aleppo and cumin. Strain out all the solids and just reserve a nice seasoned oil? I have some very large flake Aleppo. More like chunks really.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Maybe,.................. i wonder if that would work on low for a few hours. Maybe a nice Aleppo and cumin. Strain out all the solids and just reserve a nice seasoned oil? I have some very large flake Aleppo. More like chunks really.
I bet it would be good Ive seen some of your dishes You can make something of it!!
Lewis if you have never tried LaoGanMa chili crisp from China you are missing out. Asian chili oils are more like a oil based pepper relish. I think the middle east has something a bit similar too. Mostly olive oil and dried peppers used as a condiment. Mine would be more of just an oil. Im just guessing but to get the most flavor without all the pepper chunks its gunna need a longer cook time than the typical recipes for hot oil. I will probably use avocado oil or rice bran oil so the flavor is very neutral. They should not thicken as much in the fridge either.
ATM im running low on both those oils and since i will be risking most of the last of my homegrown Aleppo flakes i want to use a really good healthy oil. Maybe i got something else i could use for a test run.
ATM all i have is refined coconut oil. LouAna brand. The flavor is extremely neutral for a coconut oil. Its great for popcorn. My only EVO atm is way too expensive to use for this. I bought a big bottle of avocado oil the last time at Costco instead of a cheaper EVO. From a nutrition standpoint is has similar fat ratios/content to EVO. Smoke point is much higher than EVO.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Lewis if you have never tried LaoGanMa chili crisp from China you are missing out. Asian chili oils are more like a oil based pepper relish. I think the middle east has something a bit similar too. Mostly olive oil and dried peppers used as a condiment. Mine would be more of just an oil. Im just guessing but to get the most flavor without all the pepper chunks its gunna need a longer cook time than the typical recipes for hot oil. I will probably use avocado oil or rice bran oil so the flavor is very neutral. They should not thicken as much in the fridge either.
ATM im running low on both those oils and since i will be risking most of the last of my homegrown Aleppo flakes i want to use a really good healthy oil. Maybe i got something else i could use for a test run.
I use to eat at a Mongolian Grill from time to time, They had several oils you could ladle up and pour over your Bowl of Uncooked food, They would cook it in front of ya on a BIG THICK round shaped Grill Anyway, There were 2 different Hot oils that i always liked, 1 of them had peanuts in it. I remember 1 being much hotter than the other.

I dont miss much from my 38 years spent on the Wa coast, But when it came to GOOD Food, and LOTS of options/variety Of places to eat, Western Wa state had just about everything. North Idaho on the other hand isnt even remotely close for good places to Eat.
I ended up using
1.5 cups rice bran oil
.5 cups avocado oil
.25 cups refined coconut oil
A mix of Aleppo and sun dried lumbre
1 tbs cumin seed
5 black cardamom pods
1 tsp whole black peppercorns
10 hours in the slow cooker but it got just slightly too hot. Not burnt but it does have a slight toasted flavor.
The oil did not get red. Its still somewhat golden. Heat level is very deceptive. Starts off pretty mild and builds for a minute or two. Gunna need to try it for Firebird chicken with Bull Head sha cha sauce. I got some the other day and it rocks.