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Crossing eggplant with tomatoes and peppers


Was thinking since they are in the same family it might be possible. So can it be done?

Here are some examples:

-Tomato with eggplant?
-Eggplant with pepper?
-Pepper with tomato?
I know that grafting of tomatoes to egg plant will take, but the tomato still tasted the same to me.

Good luck, it could be fun to try.
I thought it was unlikely but read a story about a "spicy eggplant" that was grown too close to jalapenos. But you can read just about anything on the internet.
I have thought about this as well. I have crossed "distantly" related members of the genus Euphorbia using embryo rescue.

I know none of these are in the same genus, but there are examples of intergeneric crosses (X Fatshedera and X Chitalpa are 2 I can think of off the top of my head) working.

One of these days I will try it out probably with tomato and pepper, although I havent even looked at the chromosome numbers to see what they are.

Solanaceae is such a huge family, with so many useful species, that I really think some interspecific or intergeneric hybrids could be possible and interesting.

I am not saying it would be easy. My success with Euphorbia came after many, many pollinations and embryos harvested. Most do not live. But the feeling of seeing the first bloom on a plant in the greenhouse and the confirmation that the cross worked is pretty exciting. (although, even if it works it may be an ugly useless plant)

good luck. Keep us posted of your successes (and failures)
How familiar are you with tissue culture?

I will explain it, but it will have to be tomorrow,. the wife will be wondering what I am doing soon.... I think I am supposed to go help fold laundry
OK, embryo rescue is a technique used to help embryos grow that would otherwise not fully develop. I just read the wikipedia article on it, and it is fairly accurate in my experience:

When I try I will start by opening up tomatoes or peppers (whichever I use as female parent) daily after pollination to see how the embryos develop.

Then I will pollinate pepper with tomato or vice versa and take embryos again at different days to see what they look like, then decide on a number of days to harvest after pollination.

Then start pollinating.

When I did it before, I would pollinate once a week, and harvest once a week everything that was 3 weeks after pollination.

I had 4 tags color coded so each week I would harvest all tags of a certain color and take them into the lab.

Once in the lab, ....more later
I would think its almost like Humans & Chimps, Maybe Close Relatives but Not Compatible to Mix, They Have Tried but Its not Possible
OK, embryo rescue is a technique used to help embryos grow that would otherwise not fully develop. I just read the wikipedia article on it, and it is fairly accurate in my experience:

When I try I will start by opening up tomatoes or peppers (whichever I use as female parent) daily after pollination to see how the embryos develop.

Then I will pollinate pepper with tomato or vice versa and take embryos again at different days to see what they look like, then decide on a number of days to harvest after pollination.

Then start pollinating.

When I did it before, I would pollinate once a week, and harvest once a week everything that was 3 weeks after pollination.

I had 4 tags color coded so each week I would harvest all tags of a certain color and take them into the lab.

Once in the lab, ....more later


But im very, very confused. You might want to re read and edit that post so it makes a little more sense.
I'm comfortable with the cross polination part, keeping it organized and so forth...

But does it require harsh chemicals, or special techniques? or can I just take polinated flowers, and use this technique on them in my garage with things I found around the house...
Datil Daddy: I see why you are confused, that post is pretty confusing.... I need to take some time and compose a good one. Things have been way too busy lately.

jsschrstrcks: you can do it with things found around your house, but it takes special techniques. no harsh chemicals, but if you dont have experience with tissue culture (or at least sterile technique) I think you would find it frustrating at first.

I am not saying you shouldnt try. you could start by just culturing peppers from nodal sections or even germinating seedlings in vitro and using the seedlings as starting material to establish cultures. that would at least give you the confidence that your technique is good, and if you get no interspecifics or intergenerics out of your crosses its not because of technique.....

how much do you know about tc?

orozconleche: many things in biology are possible, even if they have not yet been done. just need to find the right conditions......... (I am not speaking specifically of chimps and humans....... we are talking about solanaceae. ;)
Tomato x Tobacco + Tomacco!


Simpsons did it, so it can't be that hard to pull off!
I believe they actually developed 2 tomacco plant inspired by the Simpsons. From what I remember 1 plant was given to Matt Groening
I believe they actually developed 2 tomacco plant inspired by the Simpsons. From what I remember 1 plant was given to Matt Groening

I have to wonder if Matt Groening actually understood the plausability of the whole idea or if it was just something that sounded funny to him.

And I seem to remember reading about someone actually developing it as well.