• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Cruzzfish's Polyploid Research Project Part 2-Now with Sundews.

Last year, I did some experiments with peppers and polyploidy, but those were kinda goofed due to lack of proper equipment. This year I do more research in a much more professional way, on the fast plant Brassica rapa and the sundew Drosera adelae to see how polyploidy effects sexual and asexual reproduction.
Brick of live sphagnum moss that we use as a substrate for sundew growing: http://i.imgur.com/E9nLAeP.jpg
Moss after being expanded to fill two trays: http://i.imgur.com/VuBCf3i.jpg
Baby sundews used in experiment: http://i.imgur.com/72GBRio.jpg
Sundew root cuttings and Brassica seeds in petri plates waiting for treatment: http://i.imgur.com/wbcaskC.jpg
Everything post treatment waiting to be rinsed. That is done tomorrow: http://i.imgur.com/BLHIbv0.jpg
More to come later, when stuff actually happens.
queequeg152 said:
idk wtf is going on in here. but i wanted to be first.
is this a tissue culture? those just look like filter papers to me.
No tissue culture here. Sundews of this species grow super fast from leaf and root cuttings, which were what was exposed. The filter paper is just to make cleaning up easier.
MangoChilli said:
Any progress on this?
Sorry, haven't been paying attention to the thread.
Yes there is. One of them has really wide, flat leaves and is also a lot taller than the other ones. I'll post a picture of it soon.