• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


Since cucumbers take 7-10 days to germinate, and FF day is just seven days away, it seems safe to sow them. Fifty-seven plants, 1/3 of each: Telegraph, Sikkim and Yamato Extra Long.

These plants will be trellised but I wanted to get them in the dirt today, since it is supposed to rain tomorrow and Thursday.

Some of them went into the dead spot of the garden, though at the very southern end. I figure I need a challenge!


Last year I grew the standard issue, what the hardware stores sell in their seed display variety. They started great but the drought and high temps killed them. I think I can only about five pints of pickles. Here's the descriptions of what I planted yesterday:
Yamato Extra Long
Fascinating and fun to grow, extra long fruit can grow to 24"! This delicious and unique Japanese cucumber has green skin with faint yellow stripes, with crisp white, sweet flesh that is burpless. Vines do well even in hot, humid conditions. A hard-to-find variety of extra good quality.
Sikkim Cucumber
The historic cucumber of 'Sikkim'. Fat, large fruit can reach 15" long by 6" wide. The ripe fruit is a unique rusty red color and is good eaten cooked or raw. In Asia cucumbers are often stir-fried and are quite tasty. This variety is grown in the Himalayas of Sikkim and Nepal.
Telegraph Improved
60 days. Smooth, straight, dark-green fruit, to 18" long. Flesh is very crisp, tender and mild, superb flavor. Very few seeds, vigorous high yielding vines, great for greenhouse production; also good cultured outdoors.

I'll let you know how good (or bad) they turn out later this summer!
