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Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum): Round not Oval Fruit

The fruits on these plants are generally supposed to be oval, not round. But last year one plant put out exclusively round fruit. Has anyone had round fruit on these as well? I'm curious how unique this phenomenon is...

I have a number of seedlings going this year from that particular plant to see if I can get some more round little berries. Here are some round fruit next to the typical oval pods from other plants I grew in 2012:

I had it happen with a Praetermissium sp. that had larger than normal pods the plant would grow into a tree in 9 months with hundreds of pods really to many to count. one year I just picked a seed out of the pack that I had and grew out a typical large tree like plant and it through out round pods. I did a photo check with the USDA GRIN data base and found that it had through out some round pods for them also in one of their pics. It does happen, but it is not something that happens very much, i didn't save seeds from that plant and see if it grows round pods next season, you might check your grow list to see if you had any chiltepins growing near your plant the season before to see if there was a chance crossing. I really like the species as they can really grow into very large plants and the small pods can light you up at times.
I had it happen with a Praetermissium sp. that had larger than normal pods the plant would grow into a tree in 9 months with hundreds of pods really to many to count. one year I just picked a seed out of the pack that I had and grew out a typical large tree like plant and it through out round pods. I did a photo check with the USDA GRIN data base and found that it had through out some round pods for them also in one of their pics. It does happen, but it is not something that happens very much, i didn't save seeds from that plant and see if it grows round pods next season, you might check your grow list to see if you had any chiltepins growing near your plant the season before to see if there was a chance crossing. I really like the species as they can really grow into very large plants and the small pods can light you up at times.

These do grow like trees and are beautiful plants. That seems to make sense, mostly oval... occasionally round. Maybe I'll get lucky and get another round-fruited plant this year, if so, I'll try to select for this. It would be fun to try to cross it with a chiltepin too...
I may have a accidental cross with a bishops crown last season with the praet. that I grew along side of it by mistake. I might use the genetics to see what I would come up with if I crossed a T.S. with it.
I think a Pusa jwala would make a good cross if it would cross with a annuum, but I think the F1 seeds would be steril. Too bad.
I may have a accidental cross with a bishops crown last season with the praet. that I grew along side of it by mistake. I might use the genetics to see what I would come up with if I crossed a T.S. with it.
I think a Pusa jwala would make a good cross if it would cross with a annuum, but I think the F1 seeds would be steril. Too bad.

Any pics of the accidental cross?
No as I'm not sure it happened or not got to grow the seeds to see if they are F1 or not and will need to grow several plants which i don't really have space for but will do about six plants and look for the F1's to surface.
Thanks Joe, good to know... I overwintered the oval and am growing the round from seed...
your welcome glad i could help
and thanks i didnt know that my C. PREATERMISSUMS where in fact CUMARI POLUX i always thought they where just yellow like WILD BRAZIL

thanks your friend Joe