Howdy learned pepper heads 
As a total pepper newb I'm wondering what the reason for this upward curling of the leaves might be?
Perhaps this is 100% normal, but as I am UN-learned, asking seems to be my best course of action
I did do a search and found several threads dealing with leaves curling DOWN, but not up like these.
Elsewhere I found a page that indicated this could be the result of over fertilization, but since I have used NO fertilizer at all this seems unlikely
These are Caribbean Red Habanero. The lighting isn't really as red/orange as this picture appears. The light is too bright for the camera and it comes out like this.

As a total pepper newb I'm wondering what the reason for this upward curling of the leaves might be?
Perhaps this is 100% normal, but as I am UN-learned, asking seems to be my best course of action

I did do a search and found several threads dealing with leaves curling DOWN, but not up like these.
Elsewhere I found a page that indicated this could be the result of over fertilization, but since I have used NO fertilizer at all this seems unlikely

These are Caribbean Red Habanero. The lighting isn't really as red/orange as this picture appears. The light is too bright for the camera and it comes out like this.