Cutback Orange Habanero Bustin' With Buds

Back on Subject...

OK...I have the cutback hab in a 9" pot...I am going to transplant it to a 5 gallon container today with a built in bottom water function. Got it at Walmart and it is called a "Plant Spa".

Question is, how much am I going to shock the plant when I transplant it. Is it going to stop blooming? I sure don't want that to happen and will be very careful not to disturb the root ball.
AlabamaJack said:
Question is, how much am I going to shock the plant when I transplant it. Is it going to stop blooming? I sure don't want that to happen and will be very careful not to disturb the root ball.

It's sorta like sex, all you can do is handle it carefully and hope for the best.
Im sure some shock from transplanting would put a damper on the blooming, but I wouldnt think it would stop. Just handle it like a live grenade :)
I like Pams idea better than yours Straticus :lol:

I have several storage media chips / cards for my camera and when I am taking pictures that I know I want to consume less space and load faster for use on the internet, I change the media storage chip when I change the camera resolution so the one chip has all my internet sized pictures on it.

It sounds alot more time consuming than it really is and once you get used to doing it, it makes things much more convenient.

I just changed my settings and chip / card in my camera (Panasonic DMC-LZ7) to see how long it took to do it and it takes 11 seconds!

Having the same size pictures on one chip make just about anything you want to do alot easier and faster in the long run!

A 2GB card will hold close to 9000 pictures set at 640x480 pixels or .3m.

Beat me with a big stick mama...I been a bad bad plant...
So do cut backs work for all pepper plants or just certain ones? I have a Jalapeno plant that is not producing. It had three peppers on the initial flowering and that as been it.
I think it will work on any of 'em
If its not producing peppers, its not happy.

either too much or not enough water, not enough light, too cold, crap soil with little neutrients, poor root structure, could be anything.

great idea on the cutting back. I may do that with my habs to over winter them. saves me trying to re germinate seeds ect.

Tony, as you see, cutting back worked well for me. I wish I had cut back an Orange Thai and a Tabasco too.