cloning Cuttings.......keep the faith !

Hi Guy's

8th June this year I pruned a rather inconvenient side branch from my 7 Pot Primo, and decided to try to root the cutting along with a Death spiral cutting.

Simply blacked out jam jar 1 1/2" of tape water changed every few day's...................nothing ! However leaves looked healthy so I continued..........nothing !


Almost soul destroying to keep checking and nothing ! But the cutting looks healthy......after month I switched to some hydroponics solution .....still nothing ! 😵‍💫

Then a couple of day's ago 30th July .........................😁:dance:


Success...........Finally the on going trauma was over 😎


Not sure if I've jumped the gun but I've potted into a 2 litre pot of compost with a lot of perlite and vermiculite and a generous amount of blood and bone meal 🤞

They say patience is a virtue................keep the faith, no sign of root's on my Death spiral cutting and it's looking abit worse for wear.....
