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dark stuff in peppers?

so i have found dark brown stuff inside habs and fatalis, no holes. i thought earwigs but no holes. is it a mold or $hit from something? it washes off but sometimes it stains the flesh.
don't have a camera. i think you get the picture, no pun intended, dark stuff in peppers. if anyone has seen this in theirs you know what it looks like.
Well mold types are possible, and if so... they're probably not safe to eat. that's why I asked for pics. could be other things.
i see. i have washed them out and eaten them and i'm still kicking. :lol:

how does mold start inside a sealed pepper? i'd think you needed air to get in but maybe not.
+1 to Omri^!

Tjg, can you describe it more? fuzzy, slimy, powdery, dark colored membrane, dark seeds, all over the inside or only in one area, on all pods or only a few....?
+1 to Omri^!

Tjg, can you describe it more? fuzzy, slimy, powdery, dark colored membrane, dark seeds, all over the inside or only in one area, on all pods or only a few....?

more likely to be powdery on the flesh and sometimes on the pith. sometimes the seeds are dark too if on the pith where the seeds are. often at the flower end of a squat immature fatali but i have seen in in a ripe hab too. not slimy. not fuzzy. this is on a few pods maybe 10% or less. seems more common now as things are cooler and days shorter. seldom saw this in august heat in fully ripe peppers but may have once or twice. things are going down hill so maybe that's why? lots of rot in garden due to dampness and cooler temps.

i got to go make supper will check back later tonight. thank's for any comments added from now to then. you guys are great! :dance:
Could be the down hill slide for sure. The ones I get that in the pods look great, but its a ring on the placenta, I just cut/pinch it out. Mostly in the first picks of the season, and later I don' see it.
I have had it and mold is safe... hear of blue cheese? Penicillin? and so on... pull it out, rinse, eat...
Mold is safe is a bold statement. It can have properties from those that can cure, penicillin, to those that can entertain, psilocybin, to those that kill, black mold.
I wouldn't chance it! Like mushrooms, most mold is not okay for consumption!!!!
I notice this often if I get peppers from the supermarket. Black "crap", rotten seeds and sometimes funky smell. I figured it was rot, as the peppers from the supermarket are probably about a million years old.
I notice this often if I get peppers from the supermarket. Black "crap", rotten seeds and sometimes funky smell. I figured it was rot, as the peppers from the supermarket are probably about a million years old.

True and most were grown on piles of Barapasaurus crap before we discovered to use it for fertilizer and not the main growing medium. Although it works GREAT for shroomies.