When much younger, read a statement by the DEA that claimed it was not economical to grow any lawful crop under lights. I thought they were a bit off back then. Maybe not seed to harvest, but surely starting indoors was economical. Heck, some of the larger tobacco farmers do that here in KY. But for the most part, they seemed correct. Until lately that is.
Today, some are predicting indoor food production is the way of the future. Grow it anywhere in any weather with much less concern about drought, flooding, pests, and other factors.
Very inspiring article in my news feed today. What do you think? Are we moving food production indoors under lights? I kind of wonder why more set ups do not supplement with artificial lights rather than replace the sun. Maybe because they want better insulation?
Today, some are predicting indoor food production is the way of the future. Grow it anywhere in any weather with much less concern about drought, flooding, pests, and other factors.
Very inspiring article in my news feed today. What do you think? Are we moving food production indoors under lights? I kind of wonder why more set ups do not supplement with artificial lights rather than replace the sun. Maybe because they want better insulation?