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Decorative Pepper

I have a decorative pepper my wife bought and thought I'd see if anyone might have an idea of what kind of pepper it is. I've heard most decorative peppers are still edible, they just taste like crap. I'd like to take a bite out of one of these, for curiosity's sake, but don't want to if it may poison me. The tag that came with it says "upright annum" and the picture shows upright peppers, which this obviously is not. Anyone got a clue what this could be?

joeknowsjolokia said:
Looks like the Black Pearl that I am growing!:cool:

I wondered that because I thought the leaves looked similar to some I've seen, but I thought the peppers on those were round (like pearls). Have you tasted them yet?
peppermanbaha said:
Its triffeti. Also known as variageta. nice flavor i here. I'm supposed to be growing it.

That sounds more like it based on what I've found on the web so far. Sounds like it's edible too. Guess I'll go gnaw on one while I wait for the rest of my peppers to mature! Thanks.

BTW, do you know if this is a perennial plant? I haven't gotten that far in the research yet.
all peppers are perrenial if the temperatures allow them to grow...
peppermanbaha said:
Its triffeti. Also known as variageta. nice flavor i here. I'm supposed to be growing it.

I also agree also known as purple tiger in some areas.

heres some pics when I grew them



Smokenstein said:
That sounds more like it based on what I've found on the web so far. Sounds like it's edible too. Guess I'll go gnaw on one while I wait for the rest of my peppers to mature! Thanks.

the pods are NASTY tasting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok heat but NASTY!!!!
Yep I thought Purple Tiger too, also known as what the others have said. Definately not a Black Pearl though. They have small round pods like marbles that are growing upright not pendant.
I haven't heard of any chillies that are poisonous, so you will be fine. But as you said may taste bitter/crap
While on a similar subject (black leaved plants), are Black Cubans and Esplendors edible? I'm growing a couple of each and the Esplendors have just started flowering.

Sorry to ask on someone else's thread. (BTW, that is a really cool looking plant, Smokenstein :cool:)
It's edible. Packs a decent heat. Had a bit of a bitter flavor to it, but not horrible. I just bit the tip first because I didn't want to shock myself with some unexpected heat. Wasn't hot at all (like maybe Anaheim hot). So I passed it to the wife and told her it wasn't hot... well, she bit a little too far up into the seeds and said "it's not some heat". So I chomped the rest of it and wasn't expecting as much heat as it packed. I learned my lesson to always expect heat because it probably would have been pretty good if I had expected it. I'm just more familiar with the taste of basic hot peppers (jalapeno, cayenne, habanero), but I'd probably put it somewhere between a jalapeno and a habanero. Maybe closer to the habanero, but that may just be because I wasn't expecting the heat.

Thanks for the help!