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deep woods off

I have a friend on fb I was chatting with the other day. Now he recently had a problem with aphids so I decided to ask how his little" friends " were doing. He proceded to tell me he couldn't stop them and decided to get rid of all his ows. He then told me his brother had them also and a day or so after he pitched the plants his brother used deep woods off on them.. He said it got rid of them completly.. now in no way, shape or form do i recomend this to anyone without investigation. Personaly I have no clue about the effects of deet on a plant and if it will harm them or not. I can see how the aphids would be repelled tho cause that stuff tastes like crap. Lol.. any how I'm wondering if any one here has ever heard of or tried this before and what the results were?
I have never heard of it but it would make sense then again so would using RAID. Of course many of us are all natural or organic growers. I like you would never trust ingesting the pods after Off.
     My brother and I found out at a young age how effective an herbicide DEET is. Our lawn was really weird looking for a few weeks...
dash 2 said:
     My brother and I found out at a young age how effective an herbicide DEET is. Our lawn was really weird looking for a few weeks...
Haha.. what did it do to it? Leave a pretty brown picture?