Defcon...Sale thread disappeared, so I hijacked this one.

Yup, let the mixing begin! As most know, we don't put out a ton of products (usually about 1/year, maybe). I don;t like the idea of throwing out a bunch of products per year, to see what sticks. Nope, I've always chosen to utilize my trusty hand-picked squad of Defcon Acolytes (and a few total strangers), and the testing goes on for a while. Well, we have begun. It was a quite intertesting and olfactorily (sp?) painful afternoon, but we have come out with a first-stage prototype of our next idea. It's far from complete, put the initial mix was well-met. Stay tuned. Here is what we started with today (70 lb. total):
hey Defcon Creator, You know the rules here on THP about 'No Pics-Never Happened'.....and blank packets are pretty much the same thing!!!!! :lol:
but seriously, Best wishes with your next creation! 
the front/right block or the shiny blue foil packs right next to the shiny green packet?
Two adult size vinyl ponchos and lots of spices. I see a BBQ rub but not sure what the ponchos are for. :lol:
If this were a Throwdown, Defcon would be DQ'd!      
I'm just kidding, D-creator.   :)  thanks for sharing your fun. 
I just want to know why the hell I wasn't in on the testing.  I thought I was an elder acolyte... 
Maybe the poncho is in the pic just to throw you off? Hell, this whole post might just be subterfuge - I'm betting he's making a cake frosting!

That's it, isn't it John? Come on, you can tell me.
LD, you got me. It's not cake frosting, it's furniture polish. Jay, the guinea pigs all live close to me. It's easier to experiment when I see them at the local watering hole on a regular basis. 