
is this calcium or iron deficiency??


happening to all three of my Limo pepper plants
Thats what I was thinking at first because its just the Limos but then the edges started to curl in so i was thinking maybe it needs more iron and more water???
More water may cause a nutrient lock-out all on it's own. The plants look great otherwise, i'd keep watering them the way you've been.
As for nutrients, the most i would do at this point is a weak formula using something more balanced, and not focus on just one or two nutrients.
Plants tend to grow out of these little quirks, i'm thinking that what you're seeing is just characteristic for that type.
Good luck either way though.
Leaves yellowing is a too - common sign of overwatering. Let the leaves droop just a tad between waterings and the yellowing should stop. Note that different plants uptake water at different rates; one watering schedule does not work for all plants.
your plants look fine to me.
calcium is characterized by distortion or clawing of the leaf(downward usually) due to the midrib and the leaf margin growing at different rates. one single leaf showing this is not indicitive of a calcium deficiency, as insect damage can make similar looking damage. so can burning from HPS MH lighting  in my experience.
chronic calcium deficiency will make the entire leaf gnarled looking and clawed down usually, where as a new deficiency will have this only at the margins.
FWIW ive had plants that exhibited what looked like calcium defficiency-like gnarling due to heat stress only.
these stressed plants however had normal green colored leaves, and not mottled or chlororic in anyway.   
that slight uniform upward cupping of the leaf margin you are seeing is normal in my experience. the lighter green color of the leaves is normal for new tender growth, especially with non annums in my experience anyway.
calcium problems, as all immobile deficiencies will show at the top, on all new growth. 
I think they look good as well. Is it just a few plants showing the edges curling inward? I am wondering variety. Any ferts lately? Overall they look good. Sometimes I over think these things. If most of the plants start to showing the same symptoms then there's something in common. I don't want to point you in the wrong direction. Good luck.
OCD Chilehead said:
I think they look good as well. Is it just a few plants showing the edges curling inward? I am wondering variety. Any ferts lately? Overall they look good. Sometimes I over think these things. If most of the plants start to showing the same symptoms then there's something in common. I don't want to point you in the wrong direction. Good luck.
+1 on overthinking I do that too.
These are the only ones showing the yellowing and curling.  They have always been a little off on color since they put on their true leaves.  I thnk it may be the variety (Aji Limo)....added some very mild ferts, only a shot of maxicrop with Iron here recently and a dose of root stimulizer about a week ago.
beerbreath81 said:
+1 on overthinking I do that too.
These are the only ones showing the yellowing and curling.  They have always been a little off on color since they put on their true leaves.  I thnk it may be the variety (Aji Limo)....added some very mild ferts, only a shot of maxicrop with Iron here recently and a dose of root stimulizer about a week ago.
Variety makes since. I would wait it out before doing anything drastic. You don't want to cause a symptom. I have done that as well and it drives me crazy trying to figure out what went wrong. Sometimes I have to imagine them in the wild to let it go.