I dehydrate all my sauce pulp and blend into powder. You want to use the lowest temperature you can get as it keeps the best flavour/colour. 120-150 are typical minimums for ovens so go as low as you can for as long as you can. If your oven min is 200, that's probably too much and the pulp will burn before it dries. At 120 you're looking at 24 hours - at 150 it could be nearer 12 hours. Spread the pulp on a silicone mat and keep checking it every 2-3 hours. Depending on the sugars in your sauce it may go through a gummy phase - push past this until it snaps - then you're dry enough to powder.
I use a dehydrator which you can get for $50 on Amazon. Much better with the benefit of not hogging your oven for days and the ability to go to much lower temperatures and I can leave it at say 100 for a couple days and not worry about it going over.