• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Diaries of a Newbie

Hi All,

So, I've never grown anything before let alone peppers of any sort. I was eating some hot sauce on an enchillada about 2 months ago in New Mexico when it hit me that I have to grow peppers. The 6 pints of Guinness didn't hurt either.

So I went to my local Home Depot and found some seeds labeled "Hot Pepper Seeds". I bought them, went home and here you go (~5 weeks later):





Its not much but it has me excited. I didn't find this terrific site until I already started. It has been such a great resource. I am already making plans for next year.

Let me know what you think but please be gentle. I'm just a rookie.
DrHavanger said:
Looking good. Do you know what variety/s you have, or was it one of those mixed packs of seeds?

It is one of those burpee mixed packs but it lists the types as:
  • Anaheim TMR 23
  • Ancho
  • Long Slim Red Cayenne
  • Jalapeno M
  • Hungarian Wax

Wish I would have gotten habs but it can wait.
Not a bad choice at all, especially for a newbie. You should be doing fine, atm the plants look healthy and aren't leggy. Well done so far!

Do you keep them under lights/on the window sill/outside...?
Welcome to our world JJ....next year you will start more seeds than you have room for....

Your seedlings look pretty good....
Ha ha I definitly agree with AJ in a few months we'll all be trading seeds --- you've been bitten by the Pepper Bug.
Chiliac said:
Not a bad choice at all, especially for a newbie. You should be doing fine, atm the plants look healthy and aren't leggy. Well done so far!

Do you keep them under lights/on the window sill/outside...?


They started out by the window sill and then I started reading this site. Now I have them under a couple of CFL bulbs for about 12 hours a day.
They are looking real good. This is also my first year...And, I started with wanting a few plants too...Well...I now have 100 plants and have plans for adding another 100 next year...LOL Once bitten, as it seems you are, there is no end in sight. :P
06/19 Update Pics

Hey Guys. I know these aren't impressive pics compared to some but here is an update of my progress. And I know you guys like pics anyway.

Its about 1 month and 1 purchased Hab plant later. Being a first timer I am pretty happy with myself. Let me know what you think. Advice, Criticism, and compliments welcome :P


Orange Hab

Hab Closeup

Mystery Burpee Peppers:

Your plant are fine to me they are healthy & good in color next year you will have bunch of those plants all different variety good job have great season.
915river said:
Your plant are fine to me they are healthy & good in color next year you will have bunch of those plants all different variety good job have great season.

Thank you very much! This season is kind of a test run for me to learn the ropes. Growing Chiles is fun and addictive :lol:
Hey JJ....those plants look very happy....good job my friend...
You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into. I am new at this as well. I started with 3 lil' cayennes in december. It seems that every month I start more and more seedlings. I have gotten to the point that I have 50 plants producing at my place. I had to send 20 to a new home in a coffee plantation. And I have 32 more seedlings growing right now. And as soon as I get my germination station I will plant some more!

But it is fun! Welcome and enjoy!