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seeds Did I cook my seeds?

Hello all, this will be my first post! What a wealth of info on these forums. I've enjoyed hot food and chiles for years now, and have been gardening for about two of those. Last year I grew Orange Habs, Thai hot, Thai orange, and Early Jalapeno from starts from the local nursurey. Had a great time with those, so I've got some seeds last year, and wanted to try germinating this season for a wider variety.

I'm starting Bhut Jolokias, Chocolate Habs, Fatalis, and Rocoto (Manzano) from seed.

I've pre-soaked overnight and planted 2 seeds per cell.

Now to the real question: I'm starting in a covered flat over a heating mat. I've been checking soil temp daily, and it had been in the mid 70's, so I turned a small halogen desk lamp on them, and placed a towel under the whole mess to hold some heat. Came home last night, and the soil temp had climbed to 95. (It's been warmer the last few days, so warmer in the house) It's only been 4 days since I planted them, so I have no sprouts yet, but I'm afraid I might have cooked them.

I removed the towel and the light, and I'm sitting around 88F soil temp now, so if they're not cooked, I may be out of the woods.

Is 95F hot enough to cook seeds in a day?
Well.. your best bet is to just wait. Keep in mind that those varieties take quite some time to sprout. Wait for a few weeks...
AJ posted a chart in another thread showing the effect of heat on germination rates. I think your 88F is pretty good but slightly on the warm side. I'll see if I can find it.
"Even under optimal conditions the germination process can be slow and irregular. Chile seeds need warmth, oxygen, and moisture to germinate. Higher germinations rates occur between 70 & 80 degrees F,while faster germination occurs between 90 & 100 degrees F. Soaking seeds for 2-3 days can also aid in the speed of germination"
My limited experience answer is no.

I've germinated seeds that have been at 95 degrees. The only time I cooked my seeds is when they recieved some 115 degree heat.
Eureka!! Update time, and ALL of the Chocolate habs are cute little white hooks this morning!

Needless to say, I'm dancing in the living room.

Now to hang the shop light!
Excellent Fivestar...now is the fun...watching them mature...
FiveStar said:
Eureka!! Update time, and ALL of the Chocolate habs are cute little white hooks this morning!

Needless to say, I'm dancing in the living room.

Now to hang the shop light!


Do get the light on them quickly, they get unhappy fast in low light.
Hung the shop light about 15 minutes ago. These guys are already coming unhooked!

Also, new development, saw a seed pokin through in the Bhut cells, so I looked closer and could see an embryo emerging. Put a dusting of mix on top for good measure.

This is getting exciting:onfire:
FiveStar said:
Hung the shop light about 15 minutes ago. These guys are already coming unhooked!

Also, new development, saw a seed pokin through in the Bhut cells, so I looked closer and could see an embryo emerging. Put a dusting of mix on top for good measure.

This is getting exciting:onfire:

sound like things are really starting to get moving along!!!:onfire: :fireball: :clap: