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chinense Difference between Jamaican Hot Chocolate and Chocolate Habanero

Has anyone grown out both these varieties, and if so what is the difference? Are they basically the same in flavor, look, etc?
From what I understand the Hot Chocolate is a little more flavorful, less heat?, more red, and requires a shorter grow time.
*Edit: Sorry according to my vendor source they have about same grow time. 90+ days
I don't know about that Spicy, most anecdotal reports on the site I've read are that JHC's definitely ripen faster than Choco Habs.
That said, I too am growing both varieties. They are certainly distinct enough.
I am currently germinating both indoors :) I've consistently heard they ripen much sooner than the brown super hots which is why I initially said that. Then realized it was chocolate  habanero and consulted the site I ordered from which says 90+ days for both. I honestly have no idea. I look forward to both these plants, especially the Hot Chocolate ^_^
Truth :D considering we have several members here growing both this season, we'll just have to wait and see and post our observations in Glogs :) My choco habs have like a week head start on any JHC, will be fun to see :)
I have not tried the JHC, but the CH is in my top three best tasting hot peppers I have tried thus far. First time I ever tried it was about ten years back or so. A guy who worked at an auto parts store had several at the front desk while checking out, and he was giving away some extras. I took a few, and I think I had chopped up one and added it to some chicken and rice, and was amazed at the flavor. Needless to say I kept the seeds from the next one, but I could not get them to germinate. I forgot about them for a year, and then hoped the following year perhaps he might give a few more away, but he must have quit by then. I remember searching for them to no avail. I finally found some three to four years later.
JHC:  More rippled fruit shape, reddish hue during ripening, hotter.  Takes a brown hue faster than CH but to fully ripen to deep brown (no red remaining), about the same length of time.  You can pick and use them earlier but they won't be at full flavor yet.  Larger leaves.
CH:  Easier to tell when fully ripe, smoother fruit walls, sweeter.
They are both more alike than different, and are both C. chinense.
Keep in mind that a lot of people are growing one or the other and may have been told what they have is something other than what it really is.  There are definitely several "supposed" strains of each that don't look the same except for the final brown color, and definitely some sellers who just call everything a hab if they don't know what it is... might be JHC instead or something else like a hybrid.