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different color ripening?!?

So has anyone else out there experienced pods on the same plants ripening to a different color then others?
I have 5 or so plants of unknown origin, and this past two weeks the pods on them are turning orange.. Instead of the purpleish brown they were before!
Any thoughts? I will try to get some pics up tomorrow.
I am pretty certain they are not going from green to that dark color to orange.
Thanks for any responses!
I'll start by saying "yes", and then asking what type(s) of peppers you're referring to. But for now, an observation or two....

This has been more with my jalapenos than anything else - the pods getting really dark before turning red. That's very much like the suntan you or I might get in the summer. If you look at the plant and can see the pods, the sun can "see" the pods, too. While I have quite a bit of foliage on the jalapenos, it's not dense enough to fully cover the pods, so they often get a suntan before ripening. It doesn't do the pods any harm. On the other hand, most of my chinenses have very dense foliage and I have to push it aside to find the pods, so this type rarely gets suntanned. So that's why my first question is what type of peppers you're referring to - not that I need to know, but so you can know some types are more prone to that than others.

Another thing I've observed is that what's happening with the weather seems to affect the color change. Wetter and colder towards the end of last season, for example, had my congo trinidads and TScorps going through more colors than they did earlier in the season. While it was still warmer and drier, the pods pretty much went from green to red, or max green to dark orange to red. Once the wet and cold moved in, some of them even went a bit yellow after green, then orange, then deep orange, and then finally red. Often different parts of the pods were different colors at the same time.
Good answer. And thanks for it! I'll get some poictures up to help. I honestly don't know much about the varietys of peppers. These were all given to me by family members. And I figured what the hell. Might as well plant them and see where it goes. Afterall fresh peppers are better then no peppers.


this is the plant and pods in question.
all i can say is that i have not noticed any dark colored pods changing to any other color yet.. and that now that i look at them. it is only the sunny side that has turned the dark color..
so sunburn sounds pretty possible to me. best answer i can think of..
the ripening ones are color chaning all around not just the sun side.

possibly another pod from a different plant with sunburn..