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seeds difficulty sprouting seeds or very weak slow growing seedlings....

Hi guys, so my red savinas and white habs have been very hit and miss as far as germinating and when they do, they grow very slow or sometimes not at all as seedlings....where all my other habs and seeds are fine. Could this be in indication of old seeds or some other factor? For example my Trinidad scorpion and red savina germinated at the same time and went into a 3" pot at the same time. A month later my scorpion looks like a real plant but the red savina has not even grown a true set of leaves and is so skinny and weak looking. All my red savs do this as do my white habs.

PS my oranage and chocolate habs are growing like weeds (knock on wood) :)
I have heard that white habs can be difficult but haven't heard the same about the savina's. Is here any chance that you damaged the tap root when transplanting?
i would not worry to much about your red savina mine too was a little slow to start with then boom it just picked up .... so what soil mixture are you growing them in ... i my self dont use any lights at all not even when i first start the seeds off .. but yeah my orange habs and choc habs went crazy they are growing like mad i cant explain why one thing i do with my plants is i spray them with a seaweed mixture 2 or 3 times a week works for me
Sci said:
i would not worry to much about your red savina mine too was a little slow to start with then boom it just picked up .... so what soil mixture are you growing them in ... i my self dont use any lights at all not even when i first start the seeds off .. but yeah my orange habs and choc habs went crazy they are growing like mad i cant explain why one thing i do with my plants is i spray them with a seaweed mixture 2 or 3 times a week works for me

Sorry for the late reply. I'm using Miracle Grow organic potting soil. My white hab died and my red savinas are still very slow but showing signs of growth (but at glacier speeds). The others are all growing really fast. Its strange. Oh well as long as they are not dead, thats good :) I'm germinating another white hab to try. I want one damn it! LOL
Novacastrian said:
I have heard that white habs can be difficult but haven't heard the same about the savina's. Is here any chance that you damaged the tap root when transplanting?

Its possible but I have 3 red savinas and all are slow so I cant imagine having damaged more than 1. I've got like 40 plants of other kinds going strong :)