sun Direct Sun

Been in a heat wave for about a week with temps around 40C or 95F. My kids are in pots with direct sun from about 0800h till apprx 1400h. Will this fry them, so far so good but not certain if anything should or can withstand this ?
At least it's not sun from 1100 till 1800 like I was experiencing. With those temps and full sun, if your plants have any flowers on them you may see them start to drop. There really isn't a whole lot you can do about the temperature and it's affects of course but you can try to do something about the sunlight. Moving them into shade in the early afternoon and letting them get the indirect sunlight does make a difference for the better with plants, most of the time, unless of course you live where I do and has been about 100F for about the last month straight with no rain. Just make sure to not keep the soil too moist as hot, wet soil can lead to root me on that one.
It depends upon a number of factors, variety being one of them. Andean varieties tend to like it cooler, so at least if there is a way to shade them, do it. The most important thing is to make sure they don't get too dry - if the leaves start wilting, be sure to give them a good soak right away. Recommend watering in the evening when it's cooler and the sun is at least partially down, to reduce evaporation rates. I'm in Ohio, so your weather is closer to mine than to Texas - you typically experience a temp drop at night, unlike down there, which helps. Like trwoolsey said, you may get flower drop, but that won't hurt the plants themselves. Are your plants in the ground, or in pots? Mine are in pots, so these hot days require MUCH more frequent watering.
I agree with both of the above, more watering and shade. I get temps over 100 here in East NC and have a bunch of flower drop. I decided to get some shade cloth at lowes and am gonna put it up this weekend. I think it is like a 6'x15' swath for like 20 or so bucks. I plan on getting some PVC to hold it up. Just an idea for you. Good Luck.
I agree with both of the above, more watering and shade. I get temps over 100 here in East NC and have a bunch of flower drop. I decided to get some shade cloth at lowes and am gonna put it up this weekend. I think it is like a 6'x15' swath for like 20 or so bucks. I plan on getting some PVC to hold it up. Just an idea for you. Good Luck.
I'm jealous of you, having shade cloth at Lowe's. Everyone down here looks at you really funny when you ask for it, then they look at you even funnier when you try to explain it, and finally they just tell you "oh, no we don't sell that" when you point to it since they are using it so shade some of their plants in the gardening sections. I even had an employee at a calloway's nursery tell me they had no idea what I was talking about.
They should have it at both LOWES and HD, or any garden center. If you have one of them just go to the area that they have garden fabric and it should be in the same area. It would be strange if they dont sell it at your local box stores, but it has happened.

If it is really bothering you, you may consider calling some local-ish garden centers or asking the box store to check other stores if they have it. I have taken a drive or two to get some stuff for my garden. The wife thinks I am crazy, but then I cook dinner that everything aside from the protein came from the garden. Works out :D
I will have to go back and look harder I guess, and to keep from hijacking the thread(sorry zappa) I will add something. Zappa, if you can get your hands on some shade cloth and some pvc you can make a shade structure pretty easily to keep them under. There are plenty of threads on here if you do a search that can give you a really good idea where to start. I need to get one of these made due to our awesomely hot summers down here.