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Dirt peppers......

I had a small week plant that never seemed to grow much and had a week stem so instead of tossing it I decided to put it in a large 10 gallon container that already had a plant in it. I figured the plant had more than enough room and didn't want to waste a dedicated container on a grunt so I dig a small hole and planted it up to its next to ensure it wouldn't fall over and die. Several weeks later the grunt started getting bigger and bigger and started flowering. I never thought anything of it until I came back after being out of town for 5 days and noticed fruit! Unfortunately the 6" plant decides to fruit from the lower part of the stem and not the top so now I have dirt peppers. Is it ok to just let them grow right on the top of the dirt. So far I counted 7 peppers in the dirt and another 2-3 a little higher up. It's pretty weird to see that many peppers at 2-3" each on a tiny 6" plant.




Allowing them to remain in contact with the soil is usually not a good idea. Fruit and leaves that contact the soil are exposed longer to moisture and have more of a tendency to contract diseases and attract pests.

Plus with that many pods on such a small plant, it won't leave as much energy for the plant to grow.
Yeah I think i'm gonna dig it up and just repot it in a 2.5 gallon container. Hopefully it doesn't get much bigger, but still produces pods.
I actually was going to toss the grunt, but thought I would give it a try. If I can get 10 pods from a plant that small i'll just leave it be. If it gets bigger great if not ohh well. As long as I get pods from it i'm happy.
If I did that could I just leave it in the shared pot? Or do you think it would be better to repot it and hope it continues to be a good pod producer? My other plants have around 20-40 pods so i'm not really concerned with the 10 that this plant is giving. It's just like icing on the cake at this point. However if I can get the pod count up by replanting i'm all for it. However if it's too late in the seaon I'll just leave it be and slip some plastic under it.
I don't like the idea of more than one plant in a small pot, but I believe I'd let those lower pods mature and harvest them b4 moving it to another pot. Then the new growth and sets should be above ground.
Actually the pot it's in now is a 10 gallon and the dedicated pot I would be moving it to would be a 2.5 gallon by itself. The reason I put it in a pot with the other large on is because it was that or the trash as I ran out of larger pots and it was the smallest of the bunch.
2.5 gallon looks about right for the plants current size; you can always pot it up later and the 2.5 now should cause it to grow taller faster.